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Yes, I also get CaniOn seemingly-random dropouts sometimes with my really cheap Android tablet, but far less often than in past years. Pushing the 'connect' button on the OBDLink sometimes works without having to unplug the unit - read the OBDLink manual on the connecting sequence, as IIRC there's a two-minute time limit associated with this.
So here's the funny thing, I see posts from people saying that when they run Canion on an old tablet - they don't have any issues. So I grabbed my gen 1 Samsung Tab3 - and Canion runs FLAWLESSLY. No drops at all.
I even took my sweetheart out to dinner last night for Valentines day. Without closing Canion I shut off the display and tossed the tab into the glove compartment. After dinner, when I reached into the glove compartment and opened up the tab screen - IT WAS STILL THINKING IT WAS CONNECTED. That never happens with my new phone. As soon as I shut off the car, my new phone doesn't seem to see the ODBlink any more.
Bonsoir to Everybody.
My particular greetings to the boss Joes (He was one of the first experimenters (is it a real word in your country???)

Canion is working perfectly on my wife's car on any device I use(d), since a long time.

I use no tricks at all, and if it doesnot work as intended, ask for for a refund...

BTW, I was really surprised to see a huge amount of $ (around 100) coming from somebody happy from canion (tru Martin)....


Hi can anyone tell me, will canion work with iphone 6s. What OBD2 dongle should I get if it can work on iphone. Or do I have to get a cheap android tablet? Thanks
Hi ecco. You need a cheap Android device and a genuine OBDLink LX or MX Bluetooth device. No iPhone capability. Invaluable app for the i-MiEV, and be sure to toss a few pennies their way even though the app is free.
CaniOn was updated to 140 in my phone. Came here to see some information of it, but I see I'm the first one to write about it. It seems, for me, just one new thing, but a great improvement, the one that I was asking for since 2013. I think Ah of the battery was finally added. I was following that value with EvBatMon, dropped to 32,3 Ah today. I couldn´t see the value yet with caniOn, but there is a new graphic added and I believe is to follow the Ah number with time.
My i-MiEV is now with more then 106.000 km. Only one problem in the last 2 and an half years, one of this days was totally dead in the morning, changed the original 12V battery and problem solved. I suppose it was time for it and I figure out the problem in a second.
I made a video from a journey of 215 km made on a portuguese hot summer day, to show how I do it without getting the high temperatures that in the past resulted in high losses in mine i-MiEV battery capacity. I just keep the AC in maximum always going to the battery when driving.
Hi Malm, thanks for letting us know about the CaniOn update and for your video - always enjoy seeing real-life driving scenes from other countries, and got the gist of what you were showing without understanding a word ;) . Your ducting the cold air directly into the battery pack sure works!
Malm said:
CaniOn was updated to 140 in my phone. Came here to see some information of it, but I see I'm the first one to write about it. It seems, for me, just one new thing, but a great improvement, the one that I was asking for since 2013. I think Ah of the battery was finally added. I was following that value with EvBatMon, dropped to 32,3 Ah today. I couldn´t see the value yet with caniOn, but there is a new graphic added and I believe is to follow the Ah number with time.

Some here. No info in "Ah" item.
Malm said:
I made a video from a journey of 215 km made on a portuguese hot summer day, to show how I do it without getting the high temperatures that in the past resulted in high losses in mine i-MiEV battery capacity. I just keep the AC in maximum always going to the battery when driving.

Hi there. I am new in this interesting Forum. Malm, I wonder how do you can send the cold air to the battery when driving. I have the same problem of high temperature. Thank you.

I think in the bottom of that page you have an explanation how to do the modification that gives you the possibility of deflecting the air to the battery. But you can find it in other forum pages.
Just did first charge with canIon running and wondering what is normal and what is sign of impending trouble? The only numbers that looked weird to me were individual cell temp during charge. Highest was 34 degrees and lowest was 27. I cannot figure out how to attach image from my desktop but I do have a screen shot from the tablet.
That doesn't seem to be out of line or an issue. The BMU will throw a DTC if a cell temperature exceeds 60C, or goes below -30C, otherwise it will just run the pump and fan as needed. You can go back after charging and everything has settled down to see if one cell is reading out of line or not.

For temperature i would suspect more of a sensor or wiring issue before a bad cell, plus the cell voltage would be way out of line if it were internally draining and heating up.
The difference is temperature seems perfectly normal after a charge. Some cells always end up hotter than others. In particular, one of the last sensors (64 or 65, I think) usually shows the highest temperature after finishing a charge. It usually goes down quicker afterwards, too. Malm has theorized it might be close to the inverter so that's why it detects higher temperatures than the others.
This may be old news to some, but the latest release of CaniOn (v141) has added the battery capacity parameter (Ah or Ampere-hours). Previously, this parameter had been available using the EvBatMon app or the iCarsoft i909 Scanner, in addition to Mitsubishi's professional MUT3.

On CaniOn, Ah shows up as a numeric on the (manually programmable) myTripTimer and myTripTimer2 screens or it has its own screen which shows the capacity over the last 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 activations (selectable by tapping on the "last xx" on the Ah screen.

Recall, on CaniOn, the various screens can be enabled or disabled by tapping on the screen title and selecting "Settings"
Thanks for all the helpful info on Canion. The tool and the data it can capture are very useful.

Unfortunately, I am having problems with my OBDLink LX connection to Canion on my Samsung S6. It is continuously connecting and disconnecting. When I reported the problem, very kindly sent me a replacement. Unfortunately, the problem is still happening with the new unit and customer support suggested I check in here to see if there is a fix.

It starts to work and says it is connected then shows dialogue box "Bluetooth pairing request. Confirm passkey is (number changes every time) to pair with OBDLinkLX" Then before I can enter any numbers text comes up at the bottom of the screen that says "Unable to pair with OBDLinkLX. Make sure OBDLink LX is ready to pair." This sequence of events happens repeatedly every 10 seconds or so from there.

Below is that data Scantool asked for when they were trying to find the problem:

Which scan tool are you using? OBDLink LX
Connection type (serial port, USB, Bluetooth)? Bluetooth
What is the serial number and manufacturing date of your device? This information can be found on the back of the unit. 10r-05 8941, Rev 1.2/R4 Mfr. 2017.12.09 Ser# 115510251936
What is the operating system? Specify whether it is 32 or 64 bit Samsung S6 smartphone
What is the year, make, model, and country where the vehicle was purchased in, new? 2012 Mitsubishi 1-miev, USA, New
If known, what is the engine type (gasoline or diesel, number of cylinders, displacement). All electric
Which software are you using (name + version)? OBDLink App v. 4.3.0 and CaniOn141 App v.141
Describe the problem in detail: Difficulty connecting and once it is connected it automatically disconnects repeatedly
Which step of the Quick Start Guide are you having trouble with? Pairing and connecting

Any thoughts on a fix would be appreciated.

With my phone, I found disabling the wifi helped me keep my device connected. Different brand, but might be worth a shot.
Hi, guys.

I bought the 2015 EU I-Miev few days ago. I do not know how to explain the following facts:
1. Li-Ion 10 is written on the battery sticker under the lid in the boot. Does this mean that the battery should have only 10 kWh capacity?
2. The voltage of the fully charged battery is 360V. It's 16.9 kWh needed from the socket to charge from 0% to 100% at freezing temperatures (0°C), so I think there is more than 14 kWh available in the battery.
3. The range of the vehicle at a temperature of 0°C is approx. 140 km (Eco driving).
4. The Canion displays all data except Batt Status and Batt Temp (black screens), however, it shows the total battery voltage.

Please, share your thoughts and help me understand what Li-ion 10 on the sticker really means and why Canion doesn't show cell voltage and temperature.



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