NeilBlanchard said:
You get much more from the car you have by modifying it. All the mods I mentioned are small money, except the video mirrors. Don't knock it until you've tried it.
Neil, would you be able to quantify "much more"? If we're talking a 50% or more increase in range, then you've got my attention. But it also depends on what we have to do to extend our range that much. The problem is that to really extend your range in any significant manner, you have to incorporate several of the mods you mention. If there were one or two mods that could be performed quickly, easily, at low cost, AND significantly extend range, more people would probably be willing to look into them.
Unfortunately, most of the mods I have read about only have a minimal impact on mileage. So you have to incorporate several of them to start seeing any noticeable benefit. And as was mentioned earlier, most of them make your car look plain silly! A lot of these mods, therefore, are only pursued by tinkerers who get geeked out over a 3-5% increase in range. Or hypermilers who are obsessed with eeking out a couple more miles per charge.
Like I said, I would gladly perform mods to my car if they were easy, low cost, and didn't make my car look like a Frankenstein-monster spaceship! I'm fine with adjusting tire pressure, coasting in neutral, adjusting my driving style for slower, smoother acceleration/deceleration, etc. Heck, I would even change my windshield wipers if it makes any difference. However, I'm not likely to add rear wheel skirts, a Kamm back, a belly pan, or replace my side-view mirrors with video cameras (is that even legal?). And I'm certainly not going to drive at half the posted speed limit. I would get killed around here if I did that!
So, are there one or two mods (or even three) that I can perform that won't make me look like a nerd, won't get me beaten up, won't cause traffic jams, won't cost an arm and a leg, are easy to implement, AND will result in TRULY SIGNIFICANT range extension? If so, sign me up! I've already increased my tire pressure and have adjusted my driving style (well, except for driving ungodly slow all the time). What else is there?