Hello Olivier, it's unfortunate that you had to go through all this, and I'm glad that Mitsubishi & the dealer finally provided you with a decent customer experience.
So many people don't call consumer protection and Im glad that you did.
It's not like you're sticking it to Mitsubishi for the repair, but your case struck me as being so unreasonable on the dealer part "sorry but you must now pay 4K to get your a/c fixed" when you just bought the car from them (from them) 6-7 month ago.
I really hope this experience doesn't reflect negatively on you ... the imiev is probably one of the better built EV's and Mutsibishi seems to make quality automobiles.
FYI: I might be wrong but I think the a/c on pre 2013 models were prone to a higher failure rate. 2013 + model years don't seem to suffer this same problem.
Enjoy your litle imiev and please report back from time to time.
Kindest regards,
P.S: there's a lot of imiev in the region so please be on the look out when in Saint-Eustache

+ you can drop by any time if you like. I can also introduce you to Mr. Nelson of Eventute Ve @ http://aventureve.weebly.com he lives 2 streets over from me.