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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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  1. L

    Cell Monitoring Unit "recall"

    My i-MiEV was subject to an airbag sensor recall. The dealership also did some kind of software update and downloaded data related to quick charging failures on the Blink DCFC units in Seattle CASE 24861
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    Electric Vehicles in Thailand

    I wonder if they have a monopoly on highway vehicles only. When I visited Thailand in 2006 I rode in several low speed EVs like the one's advertised at
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    Nissan and Mitsubishi start new company

    Interesting. I'll keep an eye on this using Google Alerts and report back if I see anything.
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    Renault Zoe $20k, batteries NOT INCLUDED

    Leasing batteries enables the swapping model which makes long distance travel much easier. Too bad that's not an option for the i-MiEV.
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    Bay Area Electric Vehicle Supporters

    I see a Silver i-MiEV (set)
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    Any i-MiEV owners on California's Central Coast?

    Have you contacted the Central Coast EAA (CCEAA)? Web Site: Contact: Will Beckett <[email protected]>, (831) 688-8669 from
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    Highway Trip With Graphs

    How did you collect this data? Periodic notation of the SoC and RR displays? Camera recording? I'd like to record this same data automatically, somehow.
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    V2G charger

    These devices can also stabilize the entire electrical grid. There's a project by U. Delaware and NRG along those lines.
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    Mitsubishi has suspended its supply of the i-MiEV to PSA

    Sounds like more of a debt problem as non-EVs and other companies are also affected.
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    If You Can't Plug Your Car In...

    I think it is an important distinction. Having an exclusively electric vehicle is distinctly different from the hybrid approach. That said, no publicity is bad publicity. That said, iff they made a diesel version of the Volt that could run on biodiesel, I'd be all over it.
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    Solar panel to keep 12v starter battery charged

    My use case is running a small computer server (a Raspberry Pi) in the space behind the stereo. The lighter plug disconnects when the car is "off". The 12v system is on when the starting switch is in accessory mode (with the DC-DC converter off). At this point I'm planning to have a separate...
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    Blink Level-3 charging problems

    I've had trouble charging my i-MiEV on the Blink DC fast charger and seek corroboration from other drivers. If you live in the Seattle, Portland, San Francisco or Phoenix area and have a CHAdeMO quick-charge port I'd love to hear your experiences using the ECOtality L3 EVSE. The currently...
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    Moderators Needed - can you help?

    I'm interested in becoming a moderator for this forum if you still need help.
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    EV Project?

    I'm troubleshooting a problem with quick charging the i-MiEV with the Blink DCQC. Wouldn't be surprised if this hadn't been tested by ECOtality.
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    solar on the car roof

    A DC-DC converter could step up the voltage from a smaller array of panels to charge the car via the CHAdeMO plug, but I imagine that such a circuit would be expensive to design. It would also be possible to charge a storage battery and then use that to charge the car via the inverter. There...
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    DIY usb cable

    Yes, the one with the LCD display and not the fancy nav system. Just pop the plastic part off the back of the radio on the dashboard (under the rear view mirror). Yes, any iOS device will be supported for artist, album, genre and track name. Further, any generic mass storage device containing...
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    Maximum Miles Driven In One Day

    I've traveled from Seattle to Wenatchee and also to Portland and back, each in a day. That's 284 miles round trip over Stevens Pass (3050') and 364 miles (with highway detours from I-5). This is only possible with DC quick chargers but it makes for a completely different experience than the...
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    What's everybody paying?

    I use an Android phone with voice commands and synthesized speech for directions. Being able to tap a button and say "navigate to such-and-such" is so much nicer and safer than tapping in addresses on a soft keyboard or fiddling with a tiny UI. On my other car I have a Bluetooth receiver that...
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    DIY usb cable

    I'm interested in attempting a DIY usb cable for the stereo on my ES. Paying $145 plus installation at the dealership doesn't work for me, neither does $122 from eBay given that it's four wires and a ground. The odd part is the interface with the back of the stereo. Does anyone have specifics as...
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    What's everybody paying?

    I paid MSRP at Younker Mitsubishi in Renton, Washington. I had ordered a car but the next showroom vehicle delivered also had the CHAdeMO quick charge port I'd wanted and was an ES model. It didn't have the USB port installed and the dealer wanted to charge me for installation so I'll probably...