ul9601 said:
Are the products sold by scantools on Amazon genuine? The price difference between LX and MX is only 10 bucks, which one is more recommended for i-miev?
User "OBDLink" on Amazon is Scantool themselves, so you are buying direct from the supplier via Amazon warehouse.
Do you mean MX or MX+ ?
The LX and MX+ are Bluetooth, the MX is Wifi.
I have both an LX and an MX+, both will work fine with Canion. The MX+ is the newest model and has faster hardware and I suspect will be supported for longer with firmware updates than the older LX so if the difference is $10 I would probably get the MX+. (I see there is a deal for the MX+ at the moment)
By the way, it seems to be much cheaper to buy from the US rather than your local Amazon, at least here in the UK, so try to find the same item in the Amazon US store. Current prices are $49.95 US for the LX and $59.95 for the MX+.
I would avoid the MX as Wifi OBD dongles whilst in theory giving a more reliable connection, mean that you can't simultaneously have your device connected to normal wifi, and not as much software supports Wifi based OBD dongles. For maximum compatibility with software you want a Bluetooth version.
PS Moderators: I had to put the Amazon links in code blocks because apparently this forum modifies Amazon links ???!
If I added them as normal links it was modifying them so that the link I clicked on was going to the Amazon UK listing (much more expensive) instead of the US listings that I was trying to link to. Pretty poor that the forum software is tampering with links that users put in their posts... :roll:
PS ul9601: Just noticed you are in Auckland New Zealand.... I've been in the UK for the last 10 years but I hail from Whangarei.

Are there many i-Miev's / Ion / C-Zero in NZ or are they very rare like they are here in the UK ?