OK, with over 3000 miles on my new Yokohama tires, here's the trip yesterday afternoon going to Capitola (on the coast) from home (600' net altitude drop, but going over 1800ft summit along the way) and last night coming back, just a little longer than
this trip (see graph). One of the differences is that I stayed on the freeway instead of taking a slightly shorter and slower-speed road for about five miles, but also ended up driving in town in Capitola to avoid the freeway traffic jam. Tire pressure 51psi. Going, the temperature was around 70degF, coming back was around 60degF. No use of either aircon or heater or seat heater, but headlights on coming back. One person in the car, with about 50# of stuff in back. Traffic was heavy going to the coast, but very light coming back. Kept the freeway speeds in the 50's, coasting wherever possible.
Here's the data (all distances are off the GPS, with RR off the instrument panel):
Left home fully charged (16 bars), mileage 000, RR=55 (ugh!)
Arrived Capitola with 7 bars, odo = 40.7miles, RR=36 (good)
Charged in Capitola using ChargePoint (208vac?) 8.917kWh
After charging, RR=89 (WOW!)
Drove a few miles around Capitola after charging.
Left Capitola, 16 bars, odo = 43.6miles, RR=86
Arrived home, 3 bars, odo = 85.4 miles, RR=11
Charged overnight 120vac 12A, 11.776kWh (T.E.D.), after charge RR=58(UGH!)
Consumption going: 40.7/8.917 = 4.564mi/kWh (219Wh/mi)
Consumption coming back after Capitola charge: (85.4-40.7)/11.776 = 3.796mi/kWh
Trip overall: 85.4/(8.917+11.776) = 4.127 mi/kWh (242Wh/mi)
1. Going I stayed with the heavy commute traffic and thus did not hypermile much and yet the consumption was pretty good, attributable to the 600' net altitude drop.
2. Coming back I was disappointed at not doing better (despite the altitude climb), as traffic was very light, but perhaps I didn't hypermile as carefully as I could/should have as it was late...
3. REALLY DISAPPOINTING was my RR = 58 this morning after a full recharge (I expected it to be around 75); but I also recognize that the last 15 miles were freeway driving followed by a 2-mile 300' climb
4. I just realized that my previous trip is not a good baseline because it was only a recorded half-trip.
5. I recorded the outgoing trip on Canion, but haven't looked at it yet.
6. Apologies to our international friends for not converting to metric (I'm in a bit of a hurry).
Back On-Topic: ever since I installed the new tires I haven't seen a fully-charged RR number over 71, so it was encouraging to have that RR=89 pop up - yes, those last 15 miles into Capitola before recharging are indeed all downhill down to the ocean.
So, are Yokohama AVID ENVigors worse than Dunlop Enasaves from a rolling-resistance perspective? Subjectively I think so (and thus would not buy the Yokohamas again), but there are too many variables and we all know that the driver is the biggest variable in a vehicle's range.