I started this new topic after previously posting this in the Future Battery Replacement thread... I've become acutely aware that topic titles make is sooo much easier to find things on this forum.
All this talk about battery replacement got me rather concerned about possible future availability, so I ran off and bought a spare battery pack ... trouble is, it came wrapped inside an immaculate showroom-condition (not a scratch anywhere!) 16.7K-mile SE Premium with Nav and backup camera and CHAdeMO and excellent tires as well and with all those other useless things like Remote and EVSE...
The Ford dealer had taken it as a trade-in and had no idea what to do with it (it's been sitting way in the back on his lot for a while), so I took it off his hands after showing him a bunch of recent online listings during the negotiations ... :shock: I think it's a rare case where we're both satisfied. Suffice it to say it was much less than what I paid for the (almost) identical car in December - I say 'almost', because this one does not have the backup alarm.
Gawd, this is really off-topic - I'll post pictures in the appropriate thread after I get the decals on. No- wait - it IS on-topic: I purchased a future replacement battery with wheels attached. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :twisted:
How can people drive 16,000 miles for three years and not put one single even itty-bitty scratch on the car, either outside or inside?
All this talk about battery replacement got me rather concerned about possible future availability, so I ran off and bought a spare battery pack ... trouble is, it came wrapped inside an immaculate showroom-condition (not a scratch anywhere!) 16.7K-mile SE Premium with Nav and backup camera and CHAdeMO and excellent tires as well and with all those other useless things like Remote and EVSE...

How can people drive 16,000 miles for three years and not put one single even itty-bitty scratch on the car, either outside or inside?