Finally got around to not only repairing the front bumper squishing damage to the DRL bracket but also replaced the DRLs with LEDs at the same time as well as repaired the right turn signal.
Removal of the front bumper (actually, bumper cover, as that thing is useless as a bumper itself) is straightforward, and I was glad I bought some extra plastic pins to secure the the plastic wheelwell liner as well as the bumper and I was appalled to find a number of those pins missing! Before I bought it, the car had been in to a Mitsu dealership for airbag sensor recalls. :roll:
Anyway, repaired the DRL support bracket by simply bending it back into shape, put in the new LED DRLs which necessitated cutting off the flange a bit (thank you Ben!), installed the new $2.40 plastic bumper side bracket, repaired the turn signal (merely re-inserted the LED turn signal light which had fallen out in my wife's accident), and removed the two ballast resistors the previous owner had put in when he replaced the incandescent turn signals with LEDs.
Bumper cover replacement is not as easy as Ben Nelson makes out at 3:35 in this video:
But everything eventually wiggles into place.
QUESTION: For those of you who have removed and re-installed your own bumper covers, how in the heck do you check to see that the two plastic pins (as well as the center guide pin) coming in from the front are properly engaged with the internal bumper?
Here's a shot comparing two i-MiEVs, with my impression being that brightness of each is about the same (if anything, the incandescent is brighter), but the color temperature is different.
Edit: Finally, let's do the math:
In this post I showed that the range on a full charge increases by 423ft as a result of switching over to LED DRL.
Let's look at it differently...
12v power consumption by the DRLs is reduced by 20.7W by switching to LED.
Let's say our dc-dc converter is 80% efficient, thus 20.7/0.8 = 25.9W power reduction from the traction pack.
I've already determined my average power consumption (from the wall) per mile to be 1/4.2 = 0.238kWh/mile.
In our family, one person drives an i-MiEV just around 12,000 miles/year. Thus, one i-MiEV consumes 2856kWh per year from the wall.
In order to see what impact the 25.9W power reduction from the pack represents, we need to determine an average speed. For our mixture of 50% city and 50% highway driving, I'll throw a dart and assume 30mph.
Thus, 12,000miles/30mph = 400 hours/year spent sitting in the car. :shock:
400hours*25.9W = 10.36kWh reduction in energy consumed
from the wall annually as a result of switching to LED DRL.
Hey, that means that 4.2mi/kWh*10.36kWh =
43.51miles/year that I could drive just from the savings of switching over to LED DRL
Assuming cost of electricity is 15¢/kWh,
10.36kWh * $0.15/kWh = $1.55/year savings
Sheesh, that's going to take over ten years to amortize those two LED bulbs!
Finally, the annual consumption of the i-MiEV is reduced to 2856-10 = 2846kWh
Hmmm, that brings up an interesting point: 2856kWh*$0.15/kWh = $428.40 annual electricity cost assuming 15¢/kWh rate, pre-LED DRL. In my case, since I have solar and a zero energy cost bill, that means I save a further $428.40/year.