Regen Champion?

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The sensibly-sized alternative.
Supporting Member
Dec 6, 2011
Tacoma area, WA
The i might just be Regen Champion among production EVs, on a Watts per pound basis, though I suspect the Fiat or Spark would come out on top, I just haven't been able to find numbers on those cars yet. Neat to see how much more proportionately powerful our car is than anything made by Tesla in area of frictionless braking...

Car Curb Wt Max Regen W/lb
i-MiEV 2380 46000 19.3
LEAF 3354 40000 11.9
Model S 4647 60000 12.9
Roadster 2723 40000 14.7
Focus EV 3691
Fit EV 3252
Fiat 500E 2980
Spark EV 2989
jray, love your metric! Our great regen and manual control over it was one of the main reasons I bought the i-MiEV instead of the Leaf two years ago. For our international friends, I took the liberty of expanding your table to metricate it, and slightly re-ordered it.

Car CurbWt(lb) CurbWt(kg) MaxRegen(W) W/lb W/kg
Mitsu i-MiEV 2380 1080 46000 19.3 42.6
Tesla Roadster 2723 1235 40000 14.7 32.4
Tesla Model S 4647 2108 60000 12.9 28.5
Nissan Leaf 3354 1521 40000 11.9 26.3
Ford Focus EV 3691 1674
Honda Fit EV 3252 1475
Fiat 500e 2980 1352
Chevy Spark EV 2989 1356
Smart ED 2150 975
RAV4EV 4030 1828

Uh, we may wish to check the Tesla Roadster's regen numbers, as it's famous for super-high regen and strong deceleration. Now we can just keep expanding your table, but may need to double-check our sources as I've often found errors in published data. BTW, where's you find the regen power figures?
You're using the weight of the lighter non-North American versions of the i-MiEV. These models might have different regen levels since many of them don't have D, E, and B modes. So it would probably be better to use the North American weight of 2579 lb (1170 kg) in your comparisons.
I used a multiplicity of online sources for the data. I think this calls for another Google Spreadsheet. Is there a way to make a sticky for the original table of range stats for each of our cars?
Updated to add North American i-MiEV and BMW i3.

Car CurbWt(lb) CurbWt(kg) MaxRegen(W) W/lb W/kg
Mitsu i-MiEV 2380 1080 46000 19.3 42.6
Mitsu i-MiEV (NA) 2579 1170 46000 17.8 29.3
Tesla Roadster 2723 1235 40000 14.7 32.4
Tesla Model S 4647 2108 60000 12.9 28.5
Nissan Leaf 3354 1521 40000 11.9 26.3
Ford Focus EV 3691 1674
Honda Fit EV 3252 1475
Fiat 500e 2980 1352
Chevy Spark EV 2989 1356
Smart ED 2150 975
RAV4EV 4030 1828
BMW i3 2635 1195
The i3 has by far the best, and best modulated, regenerative braking we’ve driven. The 125-kilowatt (170-horsepower) motor delivers up to 50 kW of regeneration to recharge the 22-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery pack in the floorpan.

Between both iMiev's!
Reformatted for better readability…
Car               CurbWt(lb)  CurbWt(kg)  MaxRegen(W)  W/lb  W/kg
Mitsu i-MiEV            2380        1080        46000  19.3  42.6
Mitsu i-MiEV (NA)       2579        1170        46000  17.8  29.3
Tesla Roadster          2723        1235        40000  14.7  32.4
Tesla Model S           4647        2108        60000  12.9  28.5
Nissan Leaf             3354        1521        40000  11.9  26.3
Ford Focus EV           3691        1674
Honda Fit EV            3252        1475
Fiat 500e               2980        1352
Chevy Spark EV          2989        1356
Smart ED                2150         975
Rav4EV                  4030        1828
BMW i3                  2635        1195
OMG, alohart, thank you so much for showing us how to format a table.
Never did know what "Code" meant and I just now played with it a bit and see what it can do! :geek:

Meanwhile, back On Topic, any one of us can simply contribute to this table and keep adding to it and reposting it (I'm sure jray3 won't mind...) so the latest posting will have the most up-to-date and hopefully most-accurate information.

Car               CurbWt(lb)  CurbWt(kg)  MaxRegen(W)  W/lb  W/kg
Mitsu i-MiEV            2380        1080        46000  19.3  42.6
BMW i3                  2635        1195        50000  19.0  41.8
Mitsu i-MiEV (NA)       2579        1170        46000  17.8  39.3
Tesla Roadster          2723        1235        40000  14.7  32.4
Tesla Model S           4647        2108        60000  12.9  28.5
Nissan Leaf             3354        1521        40000  11.9  26.3
Ford Focus EV           3691        1674
Honda Fit EV            3252        1475
Fiat 500e               2980        1352
Chevy Spark EV          2989        1356
Smart ED                2150         975
Rav4EV                  4030        1828