Maximum Range Remaining

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Staff member
Dec 15, 2011
Hills above Silicon Valley, California
After (inadvertently) having fully charged our Mitsi the previous night, I went into the garage in the morning to preheat the car for my wife using the Remote while it was still plugged in. I first checked the dash display and the Range Remaining (RR) was 98! :eek:

Wow, and I'm the one who had driven home the previous evening, not even trying to economize! It's my wife that's the featherfoot.

So I turned on the Remote Heat and ran upstairs and retrieved my camera. When I returned and now turned on the display, the RR only registered 96 :cry:

Anyway, I took a photo, and now claim this as the record. Anyone beat it? - post your picture here.

JoeS said:
...the Range Remaining (RR) was 98! :eek:
Wow! My max was RR 73. I am unworthy. You must have been averaging 98miles/16 kWh= 6.125 Miles/kWh.

Please teach me, master. ( I originally thought this was possible, but I can't come close.) You are saying that the RR go DOWN while charging! interesting.
FiddlerJohn said:
You are saying that the RR go DOWN while charging! interesting.
HiFiddlerJohn, here's what I think had happened which caused the RR to drop from 98 to 96:

The previous evening I had set the remote for the amount of time I thought was needed to get the car to go to 14 bars. I must have miscalculated (or mis-programmed the remote), because the car fully charged before the remote shut off the charger. Thus, the car charged fully the previous evening, leaving it at 16 full bars and RR=98.

I came along in the morning, turned the key and read the display (RR=98) and then turned off the key and closed the doors. Turning the key disables the remote setting (remember, the remote had turned off the charger), so the car started to try to charge again; however, the BMS said NOT to do that because the car was fully charged. At about the same time I enabled the heater (and car seat warmer) with the remote, so maybe the battery itself was used to pre-heat the car for a short while before the BMS kicked in and said "OK, I'll let you start charging again". I surmise that bleeding down this charge is what caused the RR to drop from 98 to 96. Besides, it was fairly cold in the garage and the BMS may have restricted the amount of charge going into the cold pack, thus never allowing it to top-up to the level it had the previous night.

I now figure about 2-1/2 bars/hour charging at 240vac, but a lot depends on whether the bar I start with is sitting at the top or bottom of its reading. Sure wish SOC was a numeric...
The most I can recall seeing on ours is 78.

Is there a thread about remote functioning? Because I programmed mine to turn off before full, and I don't think it did (well, I know the car was at 100% and I don't think I over estimated the amount of time to set on the remote).

Joe, did you really turn on the seat heater with your remote?

I am trying to answer you but can'y seem to be able to add a pic. How do you do it?

Sorry, my max remaining is 144km or 90 miles. I'll do better when the weather gets warmer.

So can anyone explain why it shows 76 miles remaining when I car @240 volts (at home), and it reports 56 when I charge @120 volts (at work)?
The car charger has shut off the charging process in both cases. At home its usually charging longer since the battery has been run down more (like two bars or less left). When I charge at work the battery is only run down to between 30-50% run down.
jjlink said:
So can anyone explain why it shows 76 miles remaining when I car @240 volts (at home), and it reports 56 when I charge @120 volts (at work)?
The car charger has shut off the charging process in both cases. At home its usually charging longer since the battery has been run down more (like two bars or less left). When I charge at work the battery is only run down to between 30-50% run down.
John, the RR has nothing to do with charging either at 120v or 240v. The starting RR (i.e., the number displayed after charging) is based on what's stored in the RR's memory which is based on how the vehicle was driven before it was charged. Once you start driving, the RR is continuously updated based on how the vehicle is driven.
Sounds to me as though you drive the car pretty hard on your way to work. :lol:
Do you really run the car down to below two bars often? :cry: Ouch! :shock:
JoeS said:
jjlink said:
So can anyone explain why it shows 76 miles remaining when I car @240 volts (at home), and it reports 56 when I charge @120 volts (at work)?
The car charger has shut off the charging process in both cases. At home its usually charging longer since the battery has been run down more (like two bars or less left). When I charge at work the battery is only run down to between 30-50% run down.
John, the RR has nothing to do with charging either at 120v or 240v. The starting RR (i.e., the number displayed after charging) is based on what's stored in the RR's memory which is based on how the vehicle was driven before it was charged. Once you start driving, the RR is continuously updated based on how the vehicle is driven.
Sounds to me as though you drive the car pretty hard on your way to work. :lol:
Do you really run the car down to below two bars often? :cry: Ouch! :shock:

Yes, true on the way to work is mostly freeway, where 65+ mph is the norm or they run over you on the 880 & 237 freeways. I usually run the car down to two bars maybe once a week, just to where the icon stars flashing. Its rare that it gets to one bar left by the end of the day. If its fully charged it seems like the RR should be the same no mater what, but its not. :?:

Yes JoeS that makes sense since in the afternoon and evening I drive local (low speed) streets.

I have now (yesterday) seen max RR of 87.

Still trying to catch Joe, and I wonder if it can go to triple digits? (It probably can, since Idanby posted 144 km.)

Hi Jenn, you're getting there. Yep, three digits should show on RR, with bragging rights for whoever achieves this! I doubt I'll ever get there since my four-mile uphill climb home is a RR-killer.

jjlink: don't forget, RR does NOT reset when you start charging, but retains in memory what was going on before that. Unless you're a really consistent driver, I would expect the fully-charged RR number to always be a little different each time.
I think these guys might have the best world record so far : 220 km !.

Mind you, they were doing only 45 Km hour at some points.

I would love to try a late night trip, when traffic is quiet on the country roads, and see if I can better our 98 kms at around 87 kms per hour.

I am going to try a steady 50 km hour and see how far I can go. Mind you, to go far from town I need to climb uphill so I doubt I will get the range these guys got.

In other news, we have found a maker of CHAdeMo Chargers in Japan, that make a 10 Kw unit, and this might give us a 2 hour or better hour recharge, which would be acceptable and hopefully the pricing will be better than the $ 70 , 000 NZ that the normal 50 Kw charger costs.

That would mean we could afford a few of these spread out say at 70 to 80 km ranges, and that would give a easy day trip out of 150 km if we were happy to say have lunch on the way out at the first Charger and tea at the next, with say a supper on the way back. for a total charging time of about 5.5 hours.

That would make a 300 km trip abut 3. 5 hours driving and about 5.5 charging for a total of 9 hour, which is not too bad for an average speed of about 33 km Hr, which is not great if travelling that slow really. But ok when one considers having a break on a long trip is a good idea.
My RR was 92 miles after recharging this morning!

(The secret is to have my husband drive, I think. It always shows more RR when we recharge after he's been driving.)

I'd love to participate, but I am refraining from 100% charges. One day when I'm planning a longer trip, I'll try it. I can tell you that with my limited use of the car so far, that my RR is not dropping as quickly as expected considering how many miles I have put on. IOW, right now, I have put on 55 miles, but my RR only dropped about 48.
OK, now I'm really confused. Are you saying that the round display in the upper right is max range remaining?? On my ES, the display appears identical to yours pictured, but mine currently reads 200. It's the odometer! Where is your odometer?
There is a little black button near the odometer that changes the display to tripA, tripB, outside temp., maintenance reminder, etc. Each one second push of the button reveals the next display. The RR is a number under which is a horizontal with an arrowhead pointing left.

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