Every electrical thing on the car runs on 12 volts . . . . which is constantly being replenished from your 330 volt drive battery, so it doesn't really matter - In actuality, EVERYTHING runs off 330 volts
I *think* your biggest problem so far is . . . . you've never got a full charge since you bought the car - If you left home with it fully charged, none of this drama would be happening . . . . and you'd be able to get a full 120 volt recharge overnight because you wouldn't be starting from empty all the time
Still, you're learning valuable lessons early on - Once you get your EVSE modified for 120/240 @ 12 amps, even your opportunity recharging at work will help keep you full up, as opposed to always worrying if you have enough to make it back home
I *think* your biggest problem so far is . . . . you've never got a full charge since you bought the car - If you left home with it fully charged, none of this drama would be happening . . . . and you'd be able to get a full 120 volt recharge overnight because you wouldn't be starting from empty all the time
Still, you're learning valuable lessons early on - Once you get your EVSE modified for 120/240 @ 12 amps, even your opportunity recharging at work will help keep you full up, as opposed to always worrying if you have enough to make it back home