Not affiliated with the seller but this is a really good price for a new EVSE. Clipper Creek is not the best but it's a 12 amp Level 1 for $300, free shipping. I bought one because I didn't want to be stranded if my OEM EVSE fails. I upgraded my OEM EVSE to Level 1/2 and voided its warranty. I'm sure the Clipper Creek EVSE can not be upgraded. The seller offers a three year warranty and they are a brick and mortar shop in LA and SF. They are modified because they originally had a non-standard EV plug (see description). Seems reputable. I think it hasn't had much interest because they don't have the term "EVSE" in the title (which I have been using as a search term). You normally can't get used EVSEs under $400 even on eBay. MSRP for this thing is about $500.
I will follow up when it arrives and test it, if you want to wait that long. They have 7 left.
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I will follow up when it arrives and test it, if you want to wait that long. They have 7 left.
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