When I was a younger man I hiked solo a lot.
I decided to explore the badlands to the north of Paria.
I got seriously lost, only for the second time of my life. I was looking for an abandoned uranium mine since there were supposedly some really neat looking structures left, and I am a mining history nut.
Since I was young, single and invincible (and dumb), I did this while on leave from the Air Force, and told no one where I was going. This was before GPS, and I left my Jeep parked off the road (if one could call what I was driving on a road) and headed out. Fortunately I had my backpack and backpack tent with me. Five hours later, with darkness falling I realized that everything looked the same in the canyon I was hiking in. I decided to
Set up camp. Overnight I couldn't sleep, hearing every darn thing moving around in the darkness. Next morning, I still couldn't find my way back to the Jeep. Did I mention that it was mid summer and hot?
Fortunately I had brought a Lot of water I had bought at a store in Kanab. Unfortunately, except for one small bottle, the water was very safe, in my Jeep that I couldn't find my way back to. Just before dark the second day I decided to climb a nearby hill to see if I could see my Jeep. I climbed it and saw what looked like a vehicle miles away. After another sleep-deprived night, I set out, Very tired.i finally got to the vehicle. It was
A jeep. It just wasn't my Jeep. The two people had water, though. We found my Jeep TEN MIlLES from where I thought I was. Sheesh. Room temperature water never tasted so good!
Could have turned out a lot worse!