I've yet to find anything useful, but sharing some collection i've done thus far. My goal is to turn the heater on remotely in winter -- but at this point i'd be happy to trigger any sort of command on the car
I've been recording from the OBD using usbcan, and yesterday tapped into the AC ECU under the back seat -- pins 3 +4 using canusb. Looking at the docs it appears we have a CAN1, CAN2 with the ETACS ecu acting as gateway towards the diagnostic port. I had hoped by listening on the canH/L on the A/C ECU that i'd find commands to control the A/C unit.
Additionally had the idea to sniff both OBD2 and the ac-ecu when starting chademo since it triggers the A/C + vents during those sessions. Even if that is the 'wrong' command, being able to control the A/C at all be a huge win.
Sadly, I believe i'm seeing less PIDs sniff the AC ECU than from OBD2. I was expecting the opposite.
Here is a high level summary from the following. This is a very simple script that counts the pids in the candump file.
- percentage of known vs unknown
- 'Known Pids(count) - I consider a pid 'known' from the README.md having a description/formula for the pid. I started to incorporate the formula in my python script so they are listed as 'known'.
- 'Uknown' Pids(count) are one that I have not seen defined what they do/for/mean or a formula.
- 'Known but not configured(count):' Are in the readme but I havent' implemented the formula.
[*] 'Failed Pids(count):' This is just incase any try/except code explodes to not 'miss' a PID in the file.
[*] The pid then the # of occurence in the file
This is my first time digging into canbus, my thinking was to try and divide and find uncommon/unique pids either from actions (clicking on/off A/C), or from location i'm sniffing. So take away the known 'noise', and try to find new things.
OBD2 port - Driving from home *to* chademo station. Starting with key out of ignition.
[dopey@dopey-desktop triage-imiev]$ python dopeyParse.py rawLogs/obd2/310722-home-mcdonalds-d-b-d-38.log
Known 43.01104006596152, Unknown 56.98895993403848, Failed 0.0
Total Pids(55):
Known Pids(15):
101 12204
149 60609
200 60608
208 60608
210 60999
215 60608
231 60607
236 121210
285 121998
298 12200
346 60998
373 122097
374 12210
384 12113
412 12264
Unknown Pids(40):
100 1
110 1
111 1
119 60607
156 60609
212 60999
288 121991
2F2 12120
300 60607
308 60998
325 61506
375 12210
385 12113
408 12264
564 24399
565 24399
5A1 24420
695 12200
6D0 24400
6D1 24400
6D2 24400
6D3 24399
6D4 24400
6D5 24400
6D6 24400
6DA 24399
6FA 12200
75A 12199
75B 12199
Known but not configured(11):
286 12200
696 12200
6E3 30524
697 12199
6E4 30524
29A 12200
6E2 30524
6E1 30524
424 30754
418 61000
3A4 12113
Failed Pids(0):
[dopey@dopey-desktop triage-imiev]$
*note* I accidentally took a wrong turn so the length of this capture was a good deal longer, but the car was never stopped, put in reverse, etc just driven forward longer.
From ACECU terminal 3+4: Driving from Chademo station back home.
[dopey@dopey-desktop triage-imiev]$ python dopeyParse.py rawLogs/acecu/3102722-ac-ecu-kungmcd-home-d-b-keyoff-removed.log
Known 35.89669122775868, Unknown 64.10330877224132, Failed 0.0
Total Pids(47):
Known Pids(12):
101 7453
200 3309
208 1542
210 36962
215 583
231 28318
285 72043
298 5994
346 40032
373 73628
374 5986
412 7199
Unknown Pids(35):
100 1
119 169
212 34647
288 65481
2F2 7301
300 1047
308 36370
325 714
375 7442
408 7650
564 12057
565 13064
5A1 14646
695 8035
6D0 17067
6D1 17012
6D2 16603
6D3 16922
6D4 15784
6D5 15146
6D6 15542
6DA 15694
6FA 7893
75A 6279
75B 7275
Known but not configured(10):
418 34023
424 266
697 7996
6E1 19877
29A 6075
286 8532
6E3 20724
6E4 20230
6E2 19493
696 8404
Failed Pids(0):
[dopey@dopey-desktop triage-imiev]$
When I first arrived I started a new candump log, started chademo, waiting a bit, then cancelled the session. This from OBD2 connector:
[dopey@dopey-desktop triage-imiev]$ python dopeyParse.py rawLogs/obd2/310722-chademo-start-end-obd2.log
Known 29.951199674664498, Unknown 70.0488003253355, Failed 0.0
Total Pids(42):
Known Pids(9):
101 451
210 2251
285 4505
298 451
346 2251
373 4562
374 457
384 424
412 851
Unknown Pids(33):
212 2251
288 4503
308 2251
325 4260
375 457
385 425
408 851
564 901
565 901
5A1 912
695 451
6D0 901
6D1 901
6D2 901
6D3 900
6D4 901
6D5 901
6D6 901
6DA 900
6FA 451
75A 451
75B 451
Known but not configured(11):
696 451
418 2251
6E4 1141
6E1 1141
29A 451
6E2 1141
3A4 425
286 451
424 2130
697 450
6E3 1141
Failed Pids(0):
[dopey@dopey-desktop triage-imiev]$
I then connected to the A/C ECU terminal 3+4, started a chademo, waiting, then cancelled. I was better to not leave a door 'open' during this, hence less noise on the 424/other pids I think.
[dopey@dopey-desktop triage-imiev]$ python dopeyParse.py rawLogs/acecu/310722-ac-ecu-chademo-start-end-door-open-close.log
Known 31.327193932827736, Unknown 68.67280606717226, Failed 0.0
Total Pids(42):
Known Pids(9):
101 1522
210 7564
285 15222
298 1510
346 7583
373 15209
374 1527
384 328
412 1582
Unknown Pids(33):
212 7567
288 15132
308 7556
325 8227
375 1528
385 108
408 1575
564 3031
565 2969
5A1 2903
695 1522
6D0 2935
6D1 3042
6D2 3042
6D3 3039
6D4 3041
6D5 3042
6D6 3042
6DA 3036
6FA 1522
75A 1515
75B 1502
Known but not configured(11):
6E1 3820
697 1522
286 1458
3A4 482
29A 1495
6E2 3819
418 7566
424 4018
6E3 3751
696 1522
6E4 3764
Failed Pids(0):
[dopey@dopey-desktop triage-imiev]$
I'm just starting to go through this(Just got home with the logs). I was expecting to find new interesting PIDs from sniffing the A/C ECU as I *thought* I was on CAN2 and seeing traffic obscured from the OBD2 connector. At a glance, that does not seem to be the case.
A really really dumb question -- Any theories why we seemingly cannot issue a canbus command/reply anything we see on the bus? When locking doors I see 424, 412, and 408. Replaying these never cause the locks to change. Even tho seemingly D3 changing from 00 to 40 is the switch, with the other bits seeming to change over time. I'm new to this, but thought the general approach for canbus was finding the 'right' pid and replaying it. Whether Windows, locks, etc. Is there some sort of calculation happening/expected on the other Bytes? Is it a timing/order of multiple pids to trigger an event? Is it 424 may be the 'status' of the lock but another unknown PID is the 'command' to unlock the door?
The most i've been able to do is make the dashboard look like a christmas tree playing with the 424 pid -- by sending the same data on 424 twice in quick succession i can get both turn signals to 'blink' like they do when unlocking the car, but never anything actually meaningful
By sending I mean doing something like:
cansend slcan0 424#C0004000A70501FF
Or using replay in savvycan.
Is it true no one has managed to 'send' a command via canbus? The only way has been a canbus bridge -- which feels dangerous as if the bridge dies the traffic dies and the car will go out of Ready? Any theories why this car is so resistant?