jray3 said:
Good luck to you, Enginerd! The similar Aussie effort has stalled, and now that I have a 75 mile one-way commute, MR BEAN in on greatly reduced duty, only doing about 250 miles per week of wifely driving, while I do that much per day on a 27 kWH Kia SOUL and my company car, a z2012 LEAF that we have upgraded to 40 kWH with an 2018 battery.
Hi all,
am I correct that "The similar Aussie effort" refers to the 60 Ah cell replacement started in Perth WA?
or a bit further down:
Anyway, I am now continuing this project.
There are still many questions to be answered, many of those issues only become known as the project advances.
Because of the different shape of the LiYuan cell compared to the LEV50,
the project was started with the cells standing up rather than laying on their sides. Yes that works as far as physically fitting them into the base
The BMS boards will be mounted onto a specially made board so each cell can be connected to the correct spot on the BMS board.
Thinking about that a bit further,I am concerned now that the module may overheat. Two main reasons for that concern are that
a) on the original modules the BMS board including the temperature measuring devices are hidden at the sides of the modules away from the cooling air that hits the cell bodies.
b) worse is that with the BMS boards sitting on top of the cells, the cooling air is going to cool the temperature sensors rather than the cell bodies, giving a false reading of what on the original set up is more like an ambient module or pack temperature.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.