First day driving today!
Started off with 77miles remaining and within 3 mles the first blob had gone. Strange thing was after another 4 miles I was still saying 77 remaining, bit of down hill and flat 40mph traffic, good conditions I guess.
The motorway stretch, 12miles, pulled the mileage in closer to the range estimate despite only doing 50-55mph but I ended up at the end at 28miles completed with 53miles range remaining. So 28miles for 24miles range, and 2 blobs above half way on battery gauge.
Return journey I went a different way. Heavier traffic, uphill and needed a couple of mins on fan setting 1 with a/c to demise. Total was 25 miles and range remaining 13 miles, 4 blobs left on battery. (Last 5 miles slow uphill gradient impacting range?). So 25 miles for 40 miles of estimated range.
Weather was +4C but rain and wind. Always thought of rain as impacting rolling resistance and I guess more so with EV.
Load in car was just me, 97kg, and a laptop bag. Plus evse.
May well try the slower shorter route both ways tomorrow and got to sort a socket to plug into in work so I can get the heater on and put my foot down on the clear stretches!