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I finally moved up to using the CanIon instead of my reprogrammed LeafCan, I called the MiEVCan (not copyrighted or protected in anyway - if its yours, then its yours). Anyway, while the MiEVCan worked extremely well the data was limiting and I longed for those nice graphics that CanIon offered. I pulled the trigger and bought the MX and an Android tablet. I've been using it for about a week and have a few comments. If I'm off base then just forget it, I know this is a well loved app and has quite the following, so I don't want to step on anyone's feelings. Just something to think about.

--The Trip History. Shouldn't the bars be in green like the instrument panel and the regen bars be in blue again like the instrument panel? I've noticed in a recent screen shot you have additional colors and lines that I'm not getting. Not sure what I'm missing and what they are for. I don't have GPS on this tablet, if that is for a GPS related function then never mind.

--Batt Temp. Could this be displayed graphically as the batteries are laid out in the car with a simple color code (green, yellow, red)? That would make most sense of the data to see where the most heat is in the pack.

--Mean Averages on all pages. Could this be a different color? The orange blends to much with the yellow graph, it's hard to see.

--Trip Timer. Can the trip timer stop when the ready light is off? Or have an option for that?

It's a great app as I knew it was, just didn't have the coin to get a setup until recently. I now want to incorporate the tablet into the car and remove the car stereo. I've been watching YouTube on how others have done this. A bunch of cables and adapters and a dual-din fascia. I even found a way to get FM/AM as that is all I listen to in the car mostly NPR on the way to work.
MLucas said:
--The Trip History. Shouldn't the bars be in green like the instrument panel and the regen bars be in blue again like the instrument panel? I've noticed in a recent screen shot you have additional colors and lines that I'm not getting. Not sure what I'm missing and what they are for. I don't have GPS on this tablet, if that is for a GPS related function then never mind.

The other colors show energy wasted with heating or A/C. If you are not using hot/cold, not see its colors in the Trip History.
I'm having problems with the BT dropping out constantly. CanIon123 starts, then I get a message that says 'Connected Successfully' and then a second later I get a message that says, 'Halo, Houston we have a problem.' I have to restart the tablet and sometimes repair the BT. I'm using an OBDLink MX with an Android Tablet 4.2.2. I've turned off the wi-fi and stopped any unnecessary applications. Not sure what else I should check for. CanIon122 did this occasionally but I could always get it working again much easier.
MLucas said:
I'm having problems with the BT dropping out constantly. CanIon123 starts, then I get a message that says 'Connected Successfully' and then a second later I get a message that says, 'Halo, Houston we have a problem.'
Do you start the car first ("READY")?

me68 said:
MLucas said:
I'm having problems with the BT dropping out constantly. CanIon123 starts, then I get a message that says 'Connected Successfully' and then a second later I get a message that says, 'Halo, Houston we have a problem.'
Do you start the car first ("READY")?


The car is in the READY state, meaning I can drive off. Yesterday, I was able to use CanIon for almost 20 kilometers (about halfway home) without the BT dropping out. Then I couldn't get it started again.
I have the same problem, also using an OBDLink MX. I updated to CaniOn 120 and it worked for a while, but it's back to cutting out.
To eliminate the OBD adapter and the tablet itself, I tested it using the OBDLink software on our Nissan Versa and it worked great! I didn't have any cut out at all.

There is another error message that appears quickly something about a java io error or something to that affect.

Is there a way I can look at the code and tinker with it to see what the cause might be. I do this for a living.
Which android device and which android version do you use? Tested already wifi/wlan off? Do you use other BT-apps on this device or do you use another BT-device near to the caniOn-device? Have a look to fps in the bottom, right corner. Is this stable around 425fps?

MLucas said:
To eliminate the OBD adapter and the tablet itself, I tested it using the OBDLink software on our Nissan Versa and it worked great! I didn't have any cut out at all.

There is another error message that appears quickly something about a java io error or something to that affect.

Is there a way I can look at the code and tinker with it to see what the cause might be. I do this for a living.

Most obd-software uses obd-commands und listen to the answer. So there are no special hardware requirements to the obd-adapter and the android-device. But caniOn does not use obd-commands. caniOn only listen to the can-bus. There are 1.625fps on the can-bus and caniOn uses some filter-commands to the obd-device for transmitting only these filtert informations via bluetooth to the android device. So the hardware has to handle 425fps. I use also the OBDlink MX, so this could not be the reason. Maybe your android device is poor? Maybe your device is already operating at or above the limits of it. Please use panel settings and turn off panel Cockpit & panel Acc Pedal to reduce fps and restart the app. fps should go down. Are you using the logging-options? These could be a performance issue also. Please turn off logging also.

Reagarding java io error: please send me your btcan.db (via download-link).

Its not a performance issue I use 2013 nexus 7 (i would say nexus 7 2013 is powerfull enough)with MX and have the same issue . some times 2hr long logging with no issue other times 5 min trip it drops out all the time.

Yeah, same here. Dual-core Galaxy S3. I ran CaniOn pretty reliably for a while on a Galaxy S Captivate. Both phones experience this problem.
With my samsung Note 3, with wifi off, it works with any problem. Hours and hours, only have problems when I want to see graphics with 2 hours or more informations.
me68 said:
MLucas said:
To eliminate the OBD adapter and the tablet itself, I tested it using the OBDLink software on our Nissan Versa and it worked great! I didn't have any cut out at all.

There is another error message that appears quickly something about a java io error or something to that affect.

Is there a way I can look at the code and tinker with it to see what the cause might be. I do this for a living.

Most obd-software uses obd-commands und listen to the answer. So there are no special hardware requirements to the obd-adapter and the android-device. But caniOn does not use obd-commands. caniOn only listen to the can-bus. There are 1.625fps on the can-bus and caniOn uses some filter-commands to the obd-device for transmitting only these filtert informations via bluetooth to the android device. So the hardware has to handle 425fps. I use also the OBDlink MX, so this could not be the reason. Maybe your android device is poor? Maybe your device is already operating at or above the limits of it. Please use panel settings and turn off panel Cockpit & panel Acc Pedal to reduce fps and restart the app. fps should go down. Are you using the logging-options? These could be a performance issue also. Please turn off logging also.

Reagarding java io error: please send me your btcan.db (via download-link).


I'll try these suggestions and send you the db file. I'm using Android 4.2.2 on a low end device
. I have turned off everything I have no use for like Google search and there are no other BT devices paired to the tablet. I've turned all the GPS pages and functions off as this tablet does not have GPS.
Malm said:
With my samsung Note 3, with wifi off, it works with any problem. Hours and hours, only have problems when I want to see graphics with 2 hours or more informations.

Be aware, that all panels are updated every second, if connected with the car. So, depending on the power of your android device, 2 hour graphs are to much. Long time periods should only be viewed not connected with the car!

MLucas said:
I'm using Android 4.2.2 on a low end device. I have turned off everything I have no use for like Google search and there are no other BT devices paired to the tablet. I've turned all the GPS pages and functions off as this tablet does not have GPS.

Turn off panel Acc Pedal history and panel Cockpit also and restart caniOn. This two panels uses additional PIDs. Maybe without these PIDs your device is working probably via reduced bt-traffic.

me68 said:
MLucas said:
I'm using Android 4.2.2 on a low end device. I have turned off everything I have no use for like Google search and there are no other BT devices paired to the tablet. I've turned all the GPS pages and functions off as this tablet does not have GPS.

Turn off panel Acc Pedal history and panel Cockpit also and restart caniOn. This two panels uses additional PIDs. Maybe without these PIDs your device is working probably via reduced bt-traffic.


Hi Martin,

I'll send you the db file soon. Yes, turning off the Acc Pedal History and the Cockpit do allow the program to work normally. Getting them to stay off was the difficult part, it seems the settings didn't stick after I set them. I don't use those screens, it is no loss if I don't have them.

Thank you for the help.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the Temp display on the trip summary page.

A couple of suggestions related to restarting the app while driving after a crash (of the app of course):

Can we perhaps turn the green text on the trip summary page red if the Communications stops (i.e. the FPS go to 0)

Sometimes I am driving and I glance over at this page but don't notice that that the FPS are 0 for a little while being at the bottom right corner it's a little hard to notice sometimes. I need to restart the app while driving to get it working again. RED text would give a clue that the app is no longer communicating.

Along these lines can you disable the quit app confirmation if the FPS are zero ? Just to lower the number of button presses to get it restarted.

Or perhaps just restart the app if you detect that the communications die while the car is moving ? I don't know if this is easy to do....

It's a great app that just keeps getting better and better. I'm not sure if any other EV has this kind of app with such fantastic support and growth.

Thanks again

Yes it is frustrating when logging a two hr trip only to find that the last 30min have been at 0fps :oops: The issue is the trip log to that point is now useless once the communication is lost as you have to rest it and you loose your data averages for the trip to that point as you start a new trip.

Don't take this the wrong way its not a ungrateful wine about Canion as the app its self is great when its working. More just frustration that we cant get to the bottom of why some of us are getting the 0fps dropout.

The red text on connection loss is a ok idea. I always ask my wife while I am driving to check if its still logging as the tablet sits on her glove box upper compartment when we are using the stereo and I can't see the tiny FPS text from my side. She rolls her eyes :roll: as if its a big job for her to look at it for me :lol:

IMHO, the remarks above are right (I think these guys have some experience in UI).

Long time ago, I found funny to show a message " Houston we lost contact..." ,
it was true, but not really helpfull for normal enduser...

Now, we are dealing with real humans, and some of these are providing good ideas.

I think Martin & myself will try to follow these ideas...

Now with CaniOn124. Maybe i'm the guy who uses the app for more time. I drive the car every day, and Canion is 99% of the times running. I see more Canion then TV. I think this three make an hell of a team - Malm, i-MiEV and CaniOn. The three together can do strange/amazing things, like driving in turtle for 20 km with total voltage always over 320 V.

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