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I confirm the previous post....

I just tested the application OBDLINK with a dongle OBDLINK-LX on the peugeot ion :

I get immediately a "christmas tree": all kind of lights are coming....

So, please uninstall this application to avoid accidents.
Thanks Martin and PV1. You're both right!

Just tried CanIon without the OBDLink app and everything seems fine.

I've suggested to the guys at that they might want to post a warning message with the OBDLink EX!


P.S. just upgraded to the C-zero after 6 years / 20k trouble free miles driving a G-wiz... What a difference! V. impressed with the C-zero.(Though I still think the Wiz was a great little EV for its time and price!).
rel 122 is online.
It is better & better
We had (Martin & myself) many exchanges about this one...
It works reaaly well...

It was tested also on Sony Xperia Z Ultra. The result is not absolutely perfect, but excelent as usual.

Main changes:
add AC use
add better visibilty on nett result on tripmeter
see this small horizontal white line:

Xavier and Martin, thank you for the continual updates, but perhaps a hiccup has been introduced(?) :

Did CaniOn 122 update on my Hisense Sero Pro 7 using Android 4.2.1 and STN1170. After installing, I tried opening the app, but received an error message saying "unfortunately caniOn 122 has stopped". I then uninstalled CaniOn and then re-installed it, and it worked once in the house, but when I took the tablet to the car it refused to connect. Shut it down and restarted and then it gave the error message again. I uninstalled CaniOn and reinstalled it again and took it to the car before turning it on. It turned on without the error message but refused to connect - after five attempts it finally connected, and now works (I hope). Wife needed the car so I stopped playing...
Xabier & Martin, in previous versions I have a file called "seclog_YYMMDD.txt", I could import into Excel and work with them.

Now, no such file is generated? Today, how I can get the data? (Probably, in "btcan.db" file, but how?

Thanks in advance,
@barbagris: have a look in "settings" for generatingt these logs.
@joes: there is no reason I can think of... contact me by pm to go deeper...
Xavier made a number of suggestions to try that I thought I would share -

"In android, disable the wifi when using the car.

In android: unpair the BT interface (something like remove or forget)
and pair it again once.

Check on your device if there is an android update.

Sometimes stop & restart completely your tablet (a cold start does some internal cleaning)."

Long story short: turning OFF Wi-Fi solved my issues! CaniOn connects and runs as it should. :D

Thank you Xavier!
rel 123 is online

The main change is a big one:

We had recently (summer temp) the confirmation: the temps for battery cells are in °F.

Before, we (I) believed it was °C with an offset like usually with CAN OBDII & so on.

So as long the temps were "normal", there was no big difference and as our australian followers forgot to install a real thermometer in their battery during our winter, we had no good feedback.

So, for you normal user, there is nothing to do: the first time this release is used, it will update automatically the database.
If you have a big history, just be patient. (For Martin, with a huge history, it took 20 minutes on a nexus 7).

On the display, you should see no difference, only the values are more realistic.

The battery temps in the old version of canion looked ok to me before hand . Showed 40C on hot summer days 16C on cool (mild) winter mornings as one would expect.

I don't think a Japanese car manufacture would be be using F as they use C over there and C us the universal measurement for temp for most technical measurements.

I have to confess that for me it was strange to get 6 ºC more in the end of a full charge, or have the battery at 40 ºC so many times in summer. In last September, when I finally get my OBD, I saw that temperatures for the first time and I doubted they where right. And I thought, at that time, to create ºM (Malm degrees), the values that I could see on Canion (I wrote this in my diary in last year), because I suspected they where not real ºC. At temperatures like 14 ºC to 19 ºC it works fine, but at 30 ºC it is giving numbers to high, I believe. So. lets see how it works now.
I did see 40C+ but the ambient temp of the air was 40C at the time and I was driving the car from 100% SOC - 30%in just over 1hr most freeway driving 100kph. I think that temp sounds accurate considering our battery's are not cooled.

To me a lower temp would be wrong.

Typically your battery's should follow the average ambient air temp over 24hrs and be more than the air temp when loaded or being charged. The higher the load or charge the larger the temp rise. I have some experience following the temperature of several other large battery banks with (calibrated temp monitoring)


I did a trip of 224km last saturday with outside temperature 20°C in the morning, raising to 30°C at noon.

I have seen a batt temp avg of 49°C after 224km with 2 QC, starting with 25°C – with old formula. I can’t believe that a 236kg battery can go up 24°C in some hours. How many energy is necessary to heat 236kg with this delta? New calc goes from 24°C to 32°C. I think this is more realistic.

So i decided to change the calc to regular fahrenheit to celsius formula. Even as we have seen fahrenheit in H_Temp_Return & H_Temp_Flow in hydrologic circle of ptc heater also (max temp there is 80°C).

old: tb(i1) = BB(2) - 50
new: tb(i1) = (BB(2) - 32) / 1.8

Some canbus-data from my car yesterday:
15:26:12.452 Frame=6E103004F4F01830183
15:26:12.452 Frame=6E2034F4F0001830183
15:26:12.454 Frame=6E3034F4F0001830183
15:26:12.455 Frame=6E40300000001830183
15:26:12.463 Frame=6E104004F4F01830183
15:26:12.463 Frame=6E2044F4F0001830183
15:26:12.465 Frame=6E3044F4F0001830183
15:26:12.466 Frame=6E40400000001830183
15:26:12.476 Frame=6E10500504F01830183
15:26:12.476 Frame=6E2054F4F0001830183
15:26:12.481 Frame=6E3054F500001830183
15:26:12.481 Frame=6E40500000001830183
15:26:12.490 Frame=6E10600505001830183
15:26:12.490 Frame=6E20650000001830183
6E1 03 00 4F 4F 01 83 01 83

PID 6E1, BB(2)=4F

4F hex2dec 79

old: tb = 79 - 50 = 29
new tb = (79 - 32) / 1.8 = 26

some examples to visualize the difference:
70 - 50 = 20
(70 - 32) / 1.8 = 21
90 - 50 = 40
(90 - 32) / 1.8 = 32
100 - 50 = 50
(100 - 32) / 1.8 = 38

So you see fahrenheit has a wider range as celsius. Around 20°C there is no appreciable difference between both formulas. But this difference is indeed appreciable in higher/lower temperature areas.


P.S. our very first canbus-explorations regarding cell temps was done with outside temperatures around 20°C.
I disagree with OffgridQLD. I agree with me68. The old formula is probably wrong. Here is Portugal and we have a summer almost as Australia. I have seen the behavior of other batteries, for example, of the Nissan Leaf, and they don't get hot so fast and so much like ours.

And me68, having the car with that temperatures do very bad to the battery. I hope that was for just one day. In one month, if you have that temperatures several days, you will see a 2% loss (in only one month).

It was also difficult for me to think about using °F for a japanese car....

Anyway, I will check it against the service tool when the temperature will be really high (today 23°C here).

I'm glad you guys caught this bug.

I think the cell temp data is one on the most usefull information that canion exposes.

Without canion we really have no hint as to what the battery temp is or the temp distribution.

I can see that the temp data will be less expanded using the correct calculation. We should see smaller "bumps" in the histogram which is good news. The old incorrect interpretation of the data would lead you to believe that the temp distribution in the pack was very uneven when the battery was active. I.e. Charging or discharging. In reality this unevenness is less pronounced which is a good thing.

Everything that we thought about high temps being bad for the pack is still true but what we see interms of temps should be more less troublesome....

Thanks guys for this update.

Can we also display avg pack temp and outside temp on the left hand summary in a future release ?


It was also difficult for me to think about using °F for a japanese car....

Anyway, I will check it against the service tool when the temperature will be really high (today 23°C here).


I do see the the points being made, just nice to see it confirmed with the service tool as F on a Japanese car is strange.

The app is evolving over time and its amazing how much data can be extracted from this little car. I really like the new AC consumption data thanks :) (after viewing the data it's a very efficient Air conditioning unit the used) why they didn't use RC air Conditioning valve for heating as well. instead of 5kw of boiling water. :roll:

Motor temp would be a great feature. Some times after a long run in the hills I hear my coolant pump running for a long period and I often wonder if I should turn the car off or leave the ignition on until the pump stops (I got tired of sitting there after 10 mins :lol: )
So motor temp reading would be great.

Motor temp would be a great feature.
OVMS has motor and electronics temperatures. Maybe get in contact with Test0 on here. He is one of (if not the) developer of the i-MiEV OpenVehicle profile.

I sat in my car for five minutes after getting home. The cooling pump did not shut off until I turned the car off. Motor temperature was 111 F and electronics temperature was 113 F. Battery was at 91 F.

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