Kurt, thank you for those numbers.offgridQLD said:From the info I can find online the US spec I-miev is 81kg - 178lb heavier than the Australian - UK spec I-miev
US - 1169kg
AU - 1088kg
About 8% more weight to lug uphill. About the same weight as carrying a full grow man as a passenger. I would say being wider to the US model would have more wind drag to. Kurt
So, the disadvantages of our less-efficient US-model iMiEV are that it is longer and wider (and thus less-easy to park), heavier, has more wind resistance, has oversized headrests which significantly block the view, and you can't rest your arm on the open-window doorsill because of the wasted space to the side of the front driver and passenger.
The advantages of the US-model iMiEV is that it has more storage in back
Does the Australian model have D-Eco-B driving modes?
Kurt: have you driven your new iMiEV the 60 miles up to your mountain home yet?