Mitsubishi has been as bad as all the OEMs that I'm aware of other than TESLA regarding replacement packs, as they're still quoting the $15k replacement cost that was listed when I bought the car in 2011, while cell and pack prices in the industry overall have fallen by close to 90%. According to this chart by USDOE (inflation-adjusted to 2023 dollars), pack costs were about $800/kWh in 2011 and are down to $175/kWH currently. For our 16 kWH packs, that would be $12,800 in 2011 and only $2800 today.
I'm a fan of aftermarket efforts like OZ DIY, but that will nEVer save as many cars as a Mitsubishi-warranted pack, and only a solution offered by Mitsubishi would stand any chance of improving the relationship between car dealers and EV drivers (who almost universally despise dealerships, giving them a longstanding reason to buy TESLAs).
So far, I'm not aware of any effort beyond individual owner inquiries to convince Mitsubishi to offer packs at a reasonable price. What do you say to a group effort here?
I'm imagining the following three needs.
- price of a,least 100,000 units per year.
I'm a fan of aftermarket efforts like OZ DIY, but that will nEVer save as many cars as a Mitsubishi-warranted pack, and only a solution offered by Mitsubishi would stand any chance of improving the relationship between car dealers and EV drivers (who almost universally despise dealerships, giving them a longstanding reason to buy TESLAs).
So far, I'm not aware of any effort beyond individual owner inquiries to convince Mitsubishi to offer packs at a reasonable price. What do you say to a group effort here?
I'm imagining the following three needs.
- Consensus on the list of demands/requests
- Drafting the letter
- Publicity Strategy- whether to quietly deliver the letter and wait for a response or go public with a pressure campaign ASAP.
- price of a,least 100,000 units per year.