Acoustic vehicle alerting system (AVAS)

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2013
Houston, TX.
New owner in Houston.

How audible is this alert? Not sure mine is functioning.

Indicator light on dash illuminates during car start up.

Is there a way that it might have been accidently disabled?

I'm told it's not that noticeable from inside the car, but can definitely be heard from outside

I'm not certain because mine doesn't work either - No one has ever heard any sound from it and we've had the car since May, so if it was working, we'd know by now

I questioned whether the AVAS was functioning on my i-MiEV because I could hear only what I thought might be "electronic" or motor sounds when driving slowly. My AVAS trouble light illuminates when the ignition is first turned on but isn't on otherwise which says to me that the AVAS is functioning.

My parking space is bordered by a floor-to-ceiling concrete wall on the passenger side. When I pull into my parking space and brake to stop, the "electronic" hum, which seems to amplified by being reflected off the concrete wall, stops as it should under 2 mph. So I'm now convinced that the AVAS is functioning normally but is very low-volume, maybe even so low that it would be difficult for pedestrians to hear in the presence of background traffic noise. As JoeS has stated, it would be nice to be able to increase the AVAS volume at times when pedestrians don't seem to hear it. But I'm happy that it's so inoffensive.
In the beginning of this video, right around 10 mph, you'll hear a whirring noise. That's the AVAS. The light comes on when you power up the car, but should go out shortly after the READY light.

When I test drove the i, I thought that noise was a circulation pump or something, I completely forgot about it having AVAS.
Maybe I'm just weird, but I actually like the noise. I'd be ok with it being even louder, I already sneak up on people walking to their cars when I'm trying to park. I've started turning my stereo system up instead.
iDriver -- Nice!! I too think the stereo is more effective.

The AVAS is the electric hum you hear at low speeds. Its very noticeable if you have driven other i-MiEVs without the system -- they are nearly silent.
It would be nice if it was adjustable. Some kind of switch to toggle it on/off, maybe even adjust the volume. This way, owners could have the option.
The "safety police" do not allow it to be turned off or changed. In fact, the US Government is preparing exacting specifications for volume, frequency and tone.....another waste of my tax dollars!!
I bet this is possible. In other threads, I think we've discovered that the noisebox in the front of the car is simply a weatherproof speaker, so with a record board (similar to those used in birthday cards and such) outputting sound to the noisebox, you could probably set any sound effect you'd like. I can't think of the site off the top of my head, but I've found boards that you can load sound files and songs onto, and there are several variants of activation (light, motion, push-button, etc.).

After being around other EVs lately, I've been thinking again of unplugging my AVAS. Nobody outside the car hears it. I've come up right behind people in parking lots, and they don't know I'm there until the brake pump kicks in when I hit the brakes.
Actually we had a funny event a few weeks ago.

Stopping at a fast food drive thru after we ordered there was a elderly mom and daughter walking along the drive thru road with their back to us and they did not hear us creeping up on them. I got within a couple of feet and they still did not hear us. I didn't want to toot the horn so close to them a few seconds went by still nothing... they were walking slowly so my wife starting knocking on the windshield from the inside to get their attention. Finally she rolled the window down and stuck her head out and said "excuse me". They just burst out laughing seeing this car right behind them. I guess they expected a person.....

It was like a scene from just for laughs.....

Anyways we do need to watch out for pedestrians.

in the 100 miles that I have driven mine, I have never seen the AWAS indicator lit except when the car is first started and the dash lights are tested. I pay attention to this at all speads under 15 MPH and never see it.

Same here. I think it only lights up if there is a malfunction with the sound module. Apparently unplugging the speaker has no effects.