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  1. R

    No charging

    in this case it can charge 4 strips?
  2. R

    No charging

    I think Usualy stop charging few sec with exclamation mark but i lett on a wire and I see the gauge is 2 3 or 4 strip once in half and once full. The 2 cells voltage is lower like others i will take a diag and screenshot.
  3. R

    No charging

    Thank you Kenny the fast response and advices. Yes the relay(s) in back and a fan made a sounds. Front under the hood i dont know yet. Checked the plugs and wires under the seat looks like ok. I dont really understand how did charge for 4 strip if the obc is fault or why didnt charge more...
  4. R

    No charging

    Hi, I have C-zero 2012.12. few weeks ago when I try charging by granny: - like before was clicks and the fan start blowing - red plugged symbol on the dash lightning -after less 1 min yellow triangle came up and red plug flashing and it stops charging. The fuelbar show 1 strip. The car is can...