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  1. D

    Single LEV50-cell wanted for our Citroen C-Zero

    That is great news martin. A big adventure awaits. Please take lots of pictures and video and keep us informed. Can i ask you where you got the unit from ? Also if you can unravel the mystery of how the battery temps are sensed while you have the pack open i would love to understand that...
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    EVSE Upgrade

    Fantastic idea. But it looks like there is no circuit to detect ground fault and shut down power. Not sure how you could use the OEM brick to detect ground faults but the new circuit to control the pilot and the relay. Could be an interesting project. Don.....
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    iMiev as Golf Cart. Fun!!

    Well I'm not sure how to react to this. But since I'm a Glass half-full type of guy I will say It's nice to know there is someone I can approach if I get a big gash Or dent in my door And i have to get a replacement white door. Don
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    Video demo of imiev remote

    Someone asked for a video demo of the remote control. I was planning to do one and i finally got around to it. Its a little unpolished and too long but you get the drift. Unfortunately canion crapped out during the demo and i didnt realize it right away. When has a demo ever gone right first...
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    PTC Heater missing

    I beleive martin winslow has one of these heaters. I remember a post about that. He is a member here and also over on the evdl. There is also member here stan who removed his ptc heater and replaced it with a webasto. He might want to sell the ptc one. If you cannot find one used then...
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    Is the AC Compressor covered by the 3 or 5 year warranty?

    According to my dealer the compressor is covered for three years. Does anyone have any details about charger problems with no ac ? Is this with L2 or L3 ? If the car won't charge without ac on L2 then the ac should be considered part of the drive train as far as I'm concerned. Don.....
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    A/C Issue.

    My ac problem was covered by the three year warranty. That should cover the bracket also. If its a broken bracket and its out of warranty then perhaps you can buy the bracket and fix It yourself... Don......
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    Quebec i Miev Gathering

    Too bad i missed this. I was on vacation for the last week. Don.....
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    A/C Issue.

    I recently replaced my ac compressor. Very similar issue the sound as not exactly the same but it ws very noisy when starting. It still worked but the noise on first start was alarming... It was covered by warrenty. If you are inclined you can go under the car and remove 2 clips tht hold a...
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    Forcing the turtle

    That is a really interesting post. I think someone else posted that he tried torque and got a Christmas tree of lights. What i find intersting and encouraging is that torque fired a lot of can data into the car and caused the havoc but the car recovered. Not that i would want to do this but...
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    A/C failing

    Im not so sure about the cold climate link also. In the winter i almost never run the ac. I think the owners manual says to run it a little each month to keep it lubricated And prevent it from siezing up. I did run it a little in the winters but who knows... Just to get the facts straight its...
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    Canadian 2016 model in the flesh...

    Hi sandy, This was at laval mitsubishi. Parkway does not do imievs they are not certified... Don.....
  13. D

    Canadian 2016 model in the flesh...

    Well when I went in to have the AC looked at I saw 2 new 2016 premium models at the dealer. The technician told me that they would be getting more. It was nice to at least see a couple of new car at the dealers. In 2013 I watched the sales numbers. I was hopeful that they would go up but it...
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    A/C failing

    Well it looks like my ac compressor is dieing. The compressor makes a lot of noise on startup. I need to cycle it a few times to get it running. Then it seems to work normally and it cycles on and off. I brought it in and they confirmed it will be covered by warranty. Its good luck for me...
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    Future Battery Replacement - A Better Battery?

    So I started toying with the 18650 cells also. In a loose configuration I got 24 in a lev-50 box. At 3 AH per cell that's 72 AH or about 44 % more then a stock imiev about 23KHW. Also the weight would be 44.6 g *24 or 1.07 KG about 38 % lighter then stock. If the battery could support 2C...
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    Leaving the fold-----

    Sorry to see you go, You have been a great wealth of low level knowledge and you broke a lot of ground in the iMiev autopsy department. I don't think we have another member cut from your mold. Its our loss.... Hope you drop by from time to time to say hi, i always enjoyed and took inspiration...
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    Hi all, Actually i like the beep idea. Gliders use a tone in the cockpit to hear the lift and help the pilot judge his energy. Perhaps canion could do that also. A variable tone that changes frequency with instanious or perhaps average consumption. It might be a good way to provide feedback to...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    Hi all, I remember watching this a while back. Don...... I think 2013 was the switch to heat pump for the leaf Not sure if it was model dependant.
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    Battery Performance

    Hey Robertst, Nihon jin desu ka ? I spent a couple of years in Japan in the 90's. Well your post is very informative. It kind of sucks that they have ****ie trapped parts of the car. It that even legal ??? I know that in laptops the cells cannot be replaced. The bms ages the batteries and...
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    High Temp on #64 sensor -

    Is this screen shot just after charging ? The temps look too even. Tell us more.... Don....