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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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    Fueling Time - BEV vs. ICE

    Well, One thing I can add is that the 5 minutes I used to spend fueling the ice in the bitter cold of the winter seemed a lot longer then 5 minutes. I remember pulling into full service stations, paying a premium for gas and tipping the poor attendant who was dressed in arctic survivor gear...
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    not really about the iMiev but pretty funny

    So while browsing youtube for iMiev videos I came across this video: Not about our car but related to it's older gas cousin and a pretty funny video. Don.......
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    Great idea for pre heat pre cool without imiev remote

    Hey Joe, Thanks for doing the leg work on this. I was not sure if the car would start with the J1772 plugged in and the other end disconnected but I went ahead and surmised that it could be done. I guess that could be done by playing with the proximity wire on the J1772 but probably more...
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    Need Answers for COLD WEATHER DRIVING.....thanks!

    If you put the car in start ready mode and leave the fan off the heater will not heat the coolant. You need the temp selector in the heating range and you need the fan on at least one click for the heater to create heat. You can see the heater current draw on the dash in the amp meter dial. It...
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    Great idea for pre heat pre cool without imiev remote

    Well i was cruising the french ev forums in quebec and i found a great idea from user SyCo. He added a conventional remote starter to preheat his car at work. What a great idea. I never thought of that. I always thought it would have been a good idea to have the...
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    L3 DCQC plan for Quebec

    This is the L3 plan for Quebec: The Green one's are already installed and the orange...
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    1st Cold driving here with my 'i' :(

    Before installing the diesel heater I tried many ways to stay warm in the car. I think it's a real learning curve the first winter with an EV. THere is lot's of fun reading here on the forum about heat and comfort in the car. Bottom line is that if you are not going too far the HVAC system in...
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    Replacing LEV50 modules with 18650s

    We touched on this topic a little bit here: Don......
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    Hi Martin, I'm not an expert on Web site creation or php and sql server but from what I understand of your post you have Recently been interested in getting data from the CANION app onto the internet. To that end you have implemented a data server in the Canion APP. The app will now...
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    Solectria Force

    Now that is a spoiler taken to "a whole nuther level " you know what i'm sayin..... Don......
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    Canion Battery Readings

    Hi All, On the weekend I had the chance To run my battery pretty low coming home. So I decided to do the limbo with it and see how low I could go. The lowest I had it down to last winter was 6 percent on a rough return home when it was very cold. This time I when down 2 percent under...
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    I like my imiev so much that I...

    Bought a second one...... :D :D Don....
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    Warning light trouble

    Hey there, I had my ac compressor replaced after it was making noise when it would start up. The warrenty was almost up for 3 years. It was replaced under warrenty. I would push those guys to look at your compressor. Hopefully it is still under warranty. If you have to change it outside of the...
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    Battery Warrantee extended to 10 years 100,000 miles

    I got the letter today also.... Don....
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    A/C Issue.

    When i went In to get my AC compressor replaced the technician told me that he saw a case on another car where an AC compressor had failed and shorted and the ready light would not come on. I don't know if it's the same situation that you have but it sounds similar. In any case I agree if the...
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    Charging on the move

    Quick question. Are these power supplies fully isolated ? Can you stack them in series to increase voltage ? I would check before putting two together. Don.....
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    CHAdeMO is so much faster, it's ridiculous

    Well I have to admit that the first quick charge you do is really pretty magical..... Welcome to the fast lane..... Don.....
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    How to shift gears

    This is a really interesting topic. What I would really like is do is add a three position rocker switch on to the shifting knob that I could toggle into neutral or breaking mode without moving the shifter I think this would decrease the wear and tear on the shift knob and also quickly allow...
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    Single LEV50-cell wanted for our Citroen C-Zero

    I dont have a reference but a few posts were mentioning it. Perhaps someone else can chime in Don.....
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    Single LEV50-cell wanted for our Citroen C-Zero

    Hi Martin, Well congratz on the cell replacement. You are a true pioneer on the iMiev. a couple of questions: On your post for a mod to the cooling plumbing in the car I'm not sure what you modified. I read the text a few times. What did you change ? I guess you are now the go to guy for a...