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  1. D

    I love this video

    Found this on youtube today. Pretty nice honest review. Don.....
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    Hey Stan, Actually I have to thank you. Your started this whole heater thing and inspired me to do it. Thanks also for the info on the temp sensor. I thought about the coolant also but I figure it should be compatible. I only added in a little about 200-300 ml the rest was water. I also just...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    Well My Imiev is officially a smart Hybrid. I say smart hybrid because I believe that I'm using the right fuel for the right job. Burning small amounts of diesel creates tons of much wanted heat (in the winter), saves on battery cycles and range which is great and Of course motoring on...
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    I had my car done by this guy Louis Caron 6056 Rue Anthony Brossard, QC J4Z 1L7 He shoots grease. It stays I place mostly but the car does ooze grease forever. He opens the doors up and shoots the inside as well as the entire underbody. It's more epensive then the yearly oil treatment but...
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    Cruise Control

    It sounds like everything needed for a cruise control is in the canion data. Perhaps Martin and Priusfan up to a challenge? I know canion is a read only application but with time and the correct information there are some things it may be able to do writing data to the canbus. Of course...
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    Super capacitors to replace 12V battery ?

    This is really interesting. The question would be how long is your car sitting while not charging. If this pack of Caps can cover that time then I would guess it should work fine. The other issue would be any 12v loads turned on without the car in the ready mode. I'm sure that you could drain...
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    Acoustic vehicle alerting system (AVAS)

    Actually we had a funny event a few weeks ago. Stopping at a fast food drive thru after we ordered there was a elderly mom and daughter walking along the drive thru road with their back to us and they did not hear us creeping up on them. I got within a couple of feet and they still did not...
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    Use of public chargers by PHEVs vs. BEVs

    Hey Sandage , Good idea about a card asking for a callback. If you design a good one perhaps you can email me the template. As a backup if you have internet on your phone you can check to see when the charger becomes available. But you do have to check it. It would be so nice if the chargers...
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    Hi martin/Prius fan I have a request for canion,. Can you consider adding feature to cycle the display page by pressing the volume button ? I find that while driving its hard to accurately switch pages but it would be easy to click the volume button to find a page. What do you think ...
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    looking for used level 2 evse

    There is also these guys.... They sell clipper creek chargers but the l2 is a little flaky with the remote. I have an lcs25 that I put a dryer plug on and I like it. I don't know if there is a l2 that is bullet proof as far as...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    Hi Stan, The point and shoot thermometer was not very expensive so I don't know how accurate it is. But hopefully the relative temp difference is close. Here is a little update. The mini timer control head for the heater was defective. They sent me a new one for free that I tested today...
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    Re: my Miev will not charge

    That is great to hear.... It's true that a month away from the imiev is toooooo long. Glad to hear it's back. Don....
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    DC Quick Charge Road Trip!

    This was first mentioned by siai47 and is described somewhere in the forum but here goes an explanation If you remove the plastic just to the right of the acc pedal where the USB connector goes in if you have one. You can see an actuator that moves the flap to direct air to the battery. Remove...
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    DC Quick Charge Road Trip!

    Well we don't yet have a DCQC network here in the montreal area but I thought it might be worth mentioning for those people with canion that sending cold air to the battery via the floor vent while underway may a good idea to help keep those battery temps down with multiple QC. It seems the...
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    What do you think about DC charging stations?

    Hey jray3, Regarding the high temps of highway driving: Have you done any routing of cool air into the battery with the AC on and set to the floor position and the little flap manually overridden to direct air in to the battery? This can be done while underway to keep temps down or it can be...
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    Re: my Miev will not charge

    Hey sandy, I hear you. And the warranty for the drivetrain does not cover the AC which like Robert says is disappointing. In one sense I guess mitsubishi did go above and beyond on the compressor but to tell the truth if they programmed the computer to not run the car or charge it without the...
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    Re: my Miev will not charge

    Wow.... Sandy I think you did really well to tell these guys that was completely unacceptable. BTW my thought is if the A/C compressor is needed to keep the battery cool (Which is questionable because it only operates for a few minutes when you quick charge) then Mitsubishi should cover it as...
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    Advice needed: Buying used 2011 model on credit?

    Hey George, Well you can do 2 things first ask the owner to charge fully for you and check the range remaining (RR). You'll get an idea of battery health right away. Then you can do a 20 km test run and ask him to recharge it. It should take one or two hours max. Then you could check it again...
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    Advice needed: Buying used 2011 model on credit?

    Hi George, In terms of battery health a good test would be to drive the car slowly around town with very gentle acceleration say between 30 and 60 kph on flat terrain for about 20 km. Then do a full charge you should see over 120 km of range remaining. That would be at temps above 15 deg c. If...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    The unit is pretty small so it doesn't have room for a complex heat exchanger I think it's just a fire in a can with a water jacket. The fuel burn rate on high seemed to be about .5 liters per hour on high which is good in my opinion. But I have to admit it would be nice to be able to run a...