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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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  1. P

    The real benefit of the iMiev for Mitsubishi might be...

    Mitsubishi certainly is an opaque company. My decision to purchase the IMiev was partly based upon the hugeness of the company and their electrical expertise. So far, this has proved-out. Their lack of advertising the Miev still has me somewhat puzzled. Either they are incompetent or have a...
  2. P

    Do you feel ICE drivers bully the iMiev ?

    Out here, it's pick-up trucks which are jacked-up and have huge tires. They love to intimidate smaller cars. Usually kids with no future, and baseball caps on backwards. I stay in the right-hand lanes, not exceeding 60. Beginning to like the slow lanes as they are much less stressful to...
  3. P

    Why buy/install a charging station?

    I bought a GE charge station when I purchased the Miev. It's positioned so that it can service two cars if necessary. My next car may well a plug in hybrid, which will also use the charger. Being a level 2 charger, it can easily service both cars when necessary.
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    First service

    Just got done with the first "annual" check-up on our Miev. When I called for the appointment, the service guy said to allow 3-4 hours. When I dropped it off, they said about 1/2 hour. When I picked it up, I received a 27 Point Vehicle Inspection Report. This was a preprinted checklist. I...
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    Gas is up!

    And my friends still joke about my "electric golf cart"...... :mrgreen:
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    Gas is up!

    The price of gas again just exceeded $4.00 in San Diego. The news shows some stations in L.A. at over $5.00. People are looking at my Miev with envy in their eyes.... :lol:
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    Brake Recall:Mitsubishi recalls 14700 electric cars globally

    I was wondering if anyone has been contacted by their dealer about the new world-wide brake recall for the Miev? I need to take mine in for it's "annual" next week. I'm going to ask them about it at that time. See below...
  8. P

    What if the battery runs COMPLETELY flat?

    Snarky - No Cautious - yes Seems to me that pushing these new tech batteries to their limits unnecessarily is just asking for trouble. Let's talk to Boeing about that.....
  9. P

    What if the battery runs COMPLETELY flat?

    I think folks are unwise pushing their Miev lithium battery to the limit and beyond. Having used somewhat similar batteries in model airplane flying, I realized that they are vulnerable to overcharging (exploding) and running them dry (short life). Please come back here in a few years and...
  10. P

    Cell Monitoring Unit "recall"

    Well, so far, owning a Miev is still better than a 787 !
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    We have lots of those Big Foot drivers in San Diego. Very aggravating and dangerous - both drivers and their vehicles. Used to own an airplane. Sometimes when a part was needed, the manufacturer would have to make one. Your long wait reminds me of that situation.
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    Making of the iMiEV

    Great videos - and I haven't seen them yet. I forwarded them to some friends who still wonder why I bought one. It lays-out the technology, development, and reasoning behind their engineering. They seem to excel at these aspects. Personally, I feel that they are falling-down on the promotion...
  13. P

    A Non-OEM parts list?

    Good idea Don. I wonder if there is a place that sells OEM Miev parts at such a discount? Yeh, the $50 antifreeze went right back to the shelf and I beat it out of there. Gee, with such high part prices, I wonder why GM went under. :roll:
  14. P

    A Non-OEM parts list?

    As our Mievs age, various parts need to be replaced. Windshield wipers, tires, and 12V batteries come to mind immediately. My experience with car dealers is that they charge an arm & a leg when these things are purchased there. One example is antifreeze for GM cars. The dealer wanted $50 a...
  15. P

    Would I buy a Miev again?

    I've had our Miev going on a year now. It sits in the driveway this morning, fully charged and waiting to convey us on our daily jaunts. No problems with it. It has been an extremely reliable car that meets it's Mpg rating and has saved us a ton of gas money so far. Yet, I have doubts about...
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    TWO i MiEV's in One Family!

    Going electric can be addictive. I even surprised myself when I got our Miev this Spring. Now, as we approach the time to replace our remaining gasser, I'm looking forward to a plug-in hybrid.
  17. P

    Driving in "B" all the time

    I've been having fun fooling with the "gear" settings since I got the Miev this spring. I've followed the manual's recommendations for different driving conditions. Recently, I decided to just put the selector in "B", and leave it there. I like the braking effect it has in stop and go traffic...
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    New I-MIEV owner from the cold

    And one wonders why electrics aren't catching on ?
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    For First Responders, EVs Offer New Hazards

    Good article. I told my wife, if she is involved in an accident with the Miev, get out of and away from the car as soon as possible.
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    Hurricane Sandy...gasoline shortage

    You were almost the first to post about the floating characteristics of a Miev. Good luck!