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  1. B

    OK to replace one tire in the front?

    It won't be the same model tire because that one is no longer available. One would be a Yoko ICEGUARD IG20 with minimal wear (no longer available) New one would be Continental ContiEcoContact. Thanks!
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    OK to replace one tire in the front?

    I have fairly new tires but one in the front needs to be replaced due to a hole near the sidewall. Is there any chance that replacing just one could result in the car complaining about an imbalance? Thanks!
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    What tire would you recommend?

    Amazon Continentals $101
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    What tire would you recommend?

    I have Yoko ICEGUARD IG20 on all 4, bought them all last year in April for around $240 for all 4. They probably only have 3000 miles on them since this is a second car. Seems like one of the front tires is leaking slowly. And I have a plug in that tire that is too close to the sidewall for...
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    Heat while plugged in

    Hi, I now plug into a regular 120V outlet with the stock charger on low which is 8A. A little while ago, while I had it plugged in on a cool morning, I used the remote to send the heat command, then went out there to see how it was doing a couple of times. From what I remember, it was...
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    License plate rattling

    I did two layers of alien tape and it works great! Thanks!
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    License plate rattling

    Yea I have the stick on pads already, helps a little but still annoying rattle... I will try the Alien tape, never tried that stuff before, that should work I think. Thanks!
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    License plate rattling

    Hi, My license plate rattles when going down the road. I have a 2017 model. Only the top 2 screw holes are available on the car, so the bottom is not secure. I've added stick on pads to the bottom, that helped a little but still an annoying noise. Anyone else solve this? Thanks!
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    Steering sticks

    OK thanks! I'm going to get the mechanic to do it next time it is in the shop.
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    Steering sticks

    I have a 2017 with about 24k miles on it. I guess I noticed this a couple of years ago, that the steering seems to stick, or I could say, not flow easily. I find that I'm using too much force to correct the car from what feels like wandering. Meaning, normally, I make corrections without...
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    What tire would you recommend?

    I was watching these Yokos as my inspection approached in April. They are snow tires but I now have a long distance 2nd car so I don't care if they have a little more rolling resistance. Right before my inspection, they dropped the price as spring came around and I got all four for about...
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    Access to Running Light Broken Off Mount

    Hi, One of my running lights is broken off of one of it's mounts and is a little sideways. Does anyone have information about how to access the back end of that area? There is a big plastic body cover under there limiting access. Thanks!
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    Dealer sez I need "rear motor fluid service"

    This one worked for me.
  14. B

    DIY Windscreen Defroster

    How to Post Images to the i-Miev Forum
  15. B

    Removing armrest plastic top driver side

    Good idea, however, it's $80 and for someone tall like me, I would not want those blocking my view or even feeling like they were "in the way" of my they look kind of funny to me on the car.
  16. B

    What tire would you recommend?

    Thanks Don, good info. I like the Dunlops a lot on the iMiev and think they do a great overall job. But the range is now much less important to me since I have a 2nd car so I'll probably go with the Yokos. I think I like the look better too.
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    Waterproofing Window Switches On the Mitsubishi i Miev and How To Remove Door Panel

    Waterproofing Window Switches On the Mitsubishi i Miev and How To Remove Door Panel
  18. B

    Removing armrest plastic top driver side

    Waterproofing Window Switches On the Mitsubishi i-Miev and How To Remove Door Panel
  19. B

    What tire would you recommend?

    Barry - did you do anything for the $60 VISA or did they just automatically send it? Thanks!