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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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  1. S

    EV-ECU Reverse Engineering

    A bit of trawling has unearthed this wee gem: It may be of use, but then again being tied to W7 it may be a boat anchor. The IDE for M32R is linked at...
  2. S

    EV-ECU Reverse Engineering

    In short, yes. The use of M32R shouldn't be a surprise. Mitsubishi have used that "since forever" and the same ECUs crop up in Lancers (Evo models) of the late 1990s The GOOD thing about that is that it means the chip and ECU are both thoroughly documented in Evo forums and whilst the code...
  3. S

    Making a custom battery pack for MiEV

    It's worth noting that both the CATL and SVOLT cells are limited to 1C charge/3C discharge whilst the original LEV50s are 2.5C charge/6C discharge That puts the allowable currents at _about_ the same for discharge, but charging will need to be limited a little (not that I've ever seen Chademo...
  4. S

    Main Traction Battery Upgrade i-MiEV using CATL93Ah cells

    Given the differing battery chemistry (and therefore discharge voltage curve), it would be a spectacularly bad idea to mix cell types
  5. S

    Bateria I-MIEV

    What is the price for these cells? freight costs to common destinations?
  6. S

    Main Traction Battery Upgrade i-MiEV using CATL93Ah cells

    What's the C rating of these things? Ie: what are sustained/peak charge/discharge currents
  7. S

    Peugeot ION gear "B" hack leads to turtle mode!

    At the same time as the "fix" was implemented, Brakelights under B mode regen were activated (the OVMS external hack isn't needed on anything past 2013) D mode regen is limited to below the legal threshold for brakelight activation
  8. S

    C-ZERO Fault code P1A2A

    The AD202KNATI is a drop in replacement at about half the price, but numbers are limited (Farnell has 114 left) It would be better to find another device though
  9. S

    Gear Selector Misbehaving

    DO NOT USE WD40!! This will cause more problems ithan it solves. Classic WD40 essentially destroys Belden cables because it rapidly gums up, attracts grit and jams things It's a water displacer which happens to be useful as a "get things unstuck" penetrating fluid but it is not suitable as a...
  10. S

    Brake warning light and loud buzzer?

    Dirt clogging is pretty common due to the poor location of the pump, but they also rot out for the same reason. Mine's been replaced twice and I don't really understand why they didn't put it under the hood
  11. S

    Arctic cold -> MiEV gear shifter problems + a hack to endure them

    It will go into ready whilst in park, but you need to press the brake to release the lever from the park lock (home) position The cable to the ignition keyswitch prevents the key being removed whilst the lever is anywhere except home - which ensures that the steering lock can't be engaged...
  12. S

    Tech help needed with battery temp sensor [SOLVED]

    It's standard practice amongst many industries (particularly heavy diesel) to paint mark nuts/bolts after torquing to spec in order to avoid missing critical steps This is particularly important if working on a device is a multi-day process as it's easy to overlook stuff (human memory is...
  13. S

    Main Traction Battery Upgrade i-MiEV using CATL93Ah cells

    Kolyandex made claims that the firmware is readable/writeable with his mmc tool and a MUT3 interface: