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  1. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    Thanks Mickey. I might check earths next.
  2. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    That's a lot of changes to wade through. But it does appear they got pins 4 and pins 3 swapped at the charge port on later models. But still leaves PP connected straight to C-111 pin 103 on 2015, with no parallel resistor ?
  3. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    Yes both cars were routinely charged with the Rolec. The button of which stopped charging the PHEV but not the MIEV. I have measured C-111 pin 103 with the MIEV charging on the granny. 1.6v, changes to 2.8V when the trigger is pressed. I see that the 2015 has CP and PP seemingly swapped...
  4. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    "So why not turn it on manually via WiFi?" I don't leave the EVSE continuously powered. As we no longer charge overnight it's easier during the afternoon Off-Peak period to go outside, switch on the EVSE, plug into the car, reverse when finished. We used to have an Outlander PHEV that came...
  5. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    "The switch internal contacts are suspect in my mind" Likely to run into the problem with UK switched socket outlets that aren't rated to carry 16A for hours on end. So switching 16A would likely lead to problems. Although I have tried two grannies, usually I charge with a Rolec 32A Wall...
  6. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    Just pulling the plug out of the wall is not recommended. Is that the same as switching the wall socket off ?
  7. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    Hi Mickey. I didn't complete the test so I can't confirm "It all looks good from a wiring/resistor point of view," Please remind me what the codes mean. Hi kiev, What happens if I switch off the granny mains supply first ?
  8. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    Thanks Mickey Charged the Aux overnight and re-installed. Tried the CarScanner app first. Got U1116 and U1111 P1A15 and P1A14. Cleared those codes, and the car now goes to Ready ! I had got halfway through the Trigger Test sequence, I don't think I will complete it :-> Phew !
  9. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    Thanks Kiev 1. What do you mean by READY ? The key moves from Lock-Acc-On and the dash lights up. Moving the key to Start, the car does not start and "chime". The Aux Battery Charging Warning and Electric Motor Unit Warning symbols remain on. 2. Indications are it's charging, I haven't...
  10. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    1. Disconnected C-111 from the EV-ECU. 2. Measured from the pink pin 103 in the plug to ground, got 2.7kohms - tick. 3. Plugged in unpowered charger cable, measured pin 103, got 150ohms, then 410ohms with trigger pressed - tick. 3. Replugged C-111, unpowered charge cable still plugged in...
  11. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    Thanks for the comprehensive instructions. I will follow them and report back.
  12. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    Thanks. Is pin 103 the easiest place to get to PP while plugged in and charging ? Can it be back-probed if the charge socket is unbolted from the body ? And what next if there's no change to the voltage ?
  13. M

    Charge does not stop when trigger pressed UK AC charging.

    I've tried two granny chargers on my 2011 UK MIEV, and neither stops the charging when the trigger on the plug is pressed. But the triggers do stop the charging on my 2014 Outlander PHEV. Looking at the wiring diagrams (Regular Charging Control System): For 2011, Pin 4 of the plug (the PP...
  14. M

    Level 2 charging problems

    As an aside I googled for images of the EV6 charge port. And see some images have a round 5-pin Type 1 socket in the top half. And some images have a D-shaped 7-pin Type 2 socket in the top half. And further investigation revealed that the Type 1 is a CCS1 socket, the other Type 2 is a CCS2...
  15. M

    Cooling water pump error P0C73

    "I don't know if it worked without any faults. But this fault was coming" Does that mean it's been faulty for as long as you have had the car ? What year, newer ones are 9499A408