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  1. I

    [ The P1A15 Troubleshooting Thread ] No READY. P1A15 error. Condenser charge timeout.

    Hi All I finally put a hand on a hybrid board. I did check my reverse schematic and it is OK with what I have on my desk. for the story , it wasn't defective , i checked transfer function and it was within tolerances. nevertheless , the guy whom loan me his board ask me to perform the "magic...
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    Main Traction Battery Upgrade i-MiEV using CATL93Ah cells

    HI I've just make an inquiry to them, especially about dimensions, they fit a LEV40 not a LEV50 . the LEV40 is finer and heigher than LEV50. nothing to do with that.... I'm joining in the lev50 to CATL93 swap ... gonna order cells to start to rebuilt a spare module of 8 , don't know really...
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    Hello There from Denmark

    we are all the same! watch out your shelfs! they bend under burden :) I send you my adress via pm best regards
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    Hello There from Denmark

    Hi dexter... the ad202 fix is very ok, yes for sure. the trick is, I still don't have the evidence for the real culprit, and I don't like that. adding a resistor is like cheating with the measurment, it is not good for long term. I revert the schematic and simulate it , Vadimchik1973...
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    Hello There from Denmark

    HI If you're interested in, you should have a look on my topic. and re-consider the 'resistor fix'
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    ISA215-HYD module reverse engineering => involved in p1a15-error-condenser-charge-timeout

    as I told before.... stifness is largely hampered by pcb milling (creepage purpose) , pin holding only at each end of the board and heavy component in the middle.
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    ISA215-HYD module reverse engineering => involved in p1a15-error-condenser-charge-timeout

    I really don't know what was in designer's head . adding a resistor into a power line is a newbee fault, logical circuit really don't like that. moreover if it is for filtering purpose, the guy added a cap in // so he also jeopardise the "filter behaviour", it is ridiculous.
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    ISA215-HYD module reverse engineering => involved in p1a15-error-condenser-charge-timeout

    okay, here find my sch in pdf print shape. added value (they are crazy to add such a R inline with the power!), also renumbered all topos you can zoom in as far as you want :)
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    ISA215-HYD module reverse engineering => involved in p1a15-error-condenser-charge-timeout

    do you have the inline power resistor value? it is steange to see such resistor jeopardise a voltage... it should be very low
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    ISA215-HYD module reverse engineering => involved in p1a15-error-condenser-charge-timeout

    right, sorry I assume R value 270 and caps value 270n and 150n
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    ISA215-HYD module reverse engineering => involved in p1a15-error-condenser-charge-timeout

    Hi could you remind me R and C value for the LPF output best regards
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    ISA215-HYD module reverse engineering => involved in p1a15-error-condenser-charge-timeout

    excellent ! I think we are close to the goal : my proposal for the schematic with your last update bellow it is quite normal to have the R divider to feed 4066 with transformerr signal. because of the topology , max voltage seen on the transformer rise up to 2xVcc, here about 30V (transformer...