Smartphone/Tablet Apps for i-MiEV, C-Zero, and iOn

Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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Staff member
Dec 15, 2011
Hills above Silicon Valley, California
With this thread, I'd like to try something new: identify all the smartphone diagnostic apps that work with our triplets (Mitsubishi i-MiEV, Citroen C-Zero, and Peugeot iOn) and provide detailed information for each (tech info, platform compatibility, capabilities, limitations, hardware requirements, etc.), including personal opinions. I also welcome the developers of these apps to contribute.

If this proves successful, we can try doing the same for compatible OBD hardware. In the interim, added a Read-Only topic to the Technical Reference Articles subforum in order to easily find this thread:

Off the top of my head, here are the apps (IIRC in chronological order) - please add any I have overlooked) -





Car Scanner ELM OBD2

Update to this page 29 September 2024
a) Just realized that the above links are broken as a result of the December 2023 forum software changeover. For now, simply scroll down through this thread to see each of the apps and their descriptions. Edit: fixed links 6 October 2024
b) Videos from @Rational showing OBDLink LX Bluetooth dongle mating with car and apps:
What I'd like to do is open this up to everyone and then I (or another moderator) will extract from your posts and compile the information into a single post for each app within this topic. In order to keep this thread from growing and if there is no objection, I'll then delete the person's post after incorporating their input into the particular app, with credit to the individual in the Comments. If you prefer, just send ma a PM with the information. In addition, I'll keep updating this first post to keep it current. Hey, this is a work in progress!

Please feel free to both comment on this idea as well as contribute your experiences with each app.

Rev. 0, 15 October 2021
Rev. 1, 15 October 2021, elaborated second-to-last paragraph
Rev. 2, 16 October 2021, replaced caniOn link to Google Store and started caniOn post update
Rev. 3, 19 October 2021, removed redundant information now shown on subsequent app-specific posts
Rev.4, 24 October 2021, added Car Scanner ELM OBD2
Rev.5 24 November 2021, added link to post in Tech Reference Section
Rev.6 11 January 2022, changed above links to each App, below
Rev.7 29 September 2024, added note about broken links and added videos
Rev.8 6 October 2024, fixed broken links on this page
Last edited:

Developer's Website:
Martin and Xavier
(confirmation, anyone?)

Available Here: (no longer available on Google Play Store)

Platform(s): Android only

Cost: Free

Additional Hardware Requirements:
The only OBDII adapter known to work for all features is OBDLink LX or MX or MX+ Bluetooth or Vlinker MC+
No confirmation that WiFi also works.

Works With Vehicle Years:
Problem with cell readings for year 2016 (and 2014?)?
Note: The 2016 iMiev evidently does not transmit individual cell data but CZero and iOn do. Confirmation, anyone?

Reads and Erases Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC): No

Key Features: Many screens showing battery voltage and temperature status both graphically and numerically, energy consumption/distance while driving, battery Ah, etc., just to mention a few.

What's Good:

What Could Be Improved:

Primary Thread on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on other Websites:

Sample Screenshots:

Individual's Comments:

JoeS: This is the original app for the i-MiEV triplets, and still used daily by many of us. A very well-rounded app that reads almost all of the necessary EV parameters and presents them in a very readable graphic or numeric format. It only reads and presents information and does not otherwise interact with the car (such as resetting DTCs).
Per Boffingham, Vgate vLinker FD+ scanner does NOT work with caniOn
JoeS update 4Aug2023: Attempt to read a 2016 i-MiEV resulted in no cell information and the Ah reading only lasted about a minute before returning to a different car's previous Ah reading.
From the developer Xavier (@priusfan) January 2024: "I now recommend the Vlinker MC+ interface instead of OBDLINK MX+ : it's much cheaper and works at least as well. I use both..."
JoeS: 6 October 2024. Thank you @Jiminy for the reminder that CaniOn no longer available on Google Play Store.

This page last revised: 6 October 2024, CaniOn no longer available on Google Play Store.
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Developer: @zzcoopej, Jeremy

Developer's Website (includes download links):

Platform(s): Android and iOS


Additional Hardware Requirements:

Works With Vehicle Years:

Note: The 2016 iMiev evidently does not transmit individual cell data but CZero and iOn do. Confirmation, anyone?

Reads and Erases Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC):

Key Features:

What's Good:

What Could Be Improved:

Primary Thread on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on other Websites:

Sample Screenshots:

Individual's Comments:

JoeS: 6 October 2024 Links to Developer's website are non-op and deleted.
JoeS: 9 October 2024 Renewed contact with developer (@zzcoopej) and Android version still available (added above)!

This post last revised 9 October 2024

Developer's Website:

Available Here:

Platform(s): Android, iOS, WindowsPhone, Windows Vista, Linux, Windows Mobile


Additional Hardware Requirements:
Works with a number of OBDII adapters, including:

Works With Vehicle Years:
Note: The 2016 iMiev evidently does not transmit individual cell data but CZero and iOn do. Confirmation, anyone?

Reads and Erases Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC):
YES, including airbag warning light (Android).

Key Features:

What's Good:

What Could Be Improved:
iOS compatibility needs to be verified with specific OBDII adapters

Primary Thread on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on other Websites:

Sample Screenshots:

Individual's Comments:
Thank you imievnewb for the DTC information.

This page last revised: 13 March, 2022

Developer's Website:

Available Here:

Manual (includes screenshots):



Additional Hardware Requirements:

Works with a number of OBDII adapters, including -
Vgate vLinker FD+ scanner
Vgate iCar Pro
Does not work with WiFi or really cheap dongles

Works With Vehicle Years:
Confirmed: 2009, 2011, 2012, 2016, and 2014 (US) thank you @Jiminy
Feedback from owners of other years?
Note: The 2016 iMEV evidently does not transmit individual cell data but CZero and iOn do. Confirmation, anyone?

Reads and Erases Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC):

Key Features:

What's Good:

The interface is easy to use and results can be exported to Excel

What Could Be Improved:

Primary Thread on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on other Websites:

Sample Screenshots:

Individual's Comments:
Thank you Boffingham for the adapter performance information, screenshots, and updates.
Further update from Boffingham (11/24/21) -
"It would be nice to have a graphic output like Canion, something visual showing key parameters like SOC, SOH, Watts consumed by various features like the heater, motor, fan, seat warmer, etc
I have exported the results to Excel but the App captures in millisecond intervals, which is way too much. Every 10 seconds would be good, or something configurable so the data is not overwhelming."

Thank you imievnewb for the veepeak info.

13 March 2022 - input from David, the developer of this app:
For OBDZero I have a 2011 and 2012 CZero and it works with both. I have received OBDZero recorded data from users with 2009 and 2016 iMiev models.
The iMiev 2016 does not transmit individual cell data. Therefore OBDZero cannot show individual cell measurements for iMiev 2016 and newer. Others report that CZero and iOn cars 2016 and newer do transmit individual cell data but I have not been able to check this directly.
OBDZero has been tested with the OBDLink XL as well as many VGate bluetooth dongles. It does not work with wifi dongles and does not work with the cheapest dongles available.
I understand the problem with the short time step and the large data files. I import my data into a database on my PC before exporting portions of it to Excel. I need the short time step for some of the ways I use the data. I'm thinking about a solution.
CaniOn also has a short time step but it stores data directly into a database on the Android device.
I understand the lack of graphs compared with e.g. CaniOn but I don't think this is something I will be able to work on. Maybe a second app for offline graphs.
ÓBDZero does not reset alarms.
Moderator's note: David, thank you for this information.

27 August 2022 - input from David, the developer of this app:

A couple of days ago I updated OBDZero to version 3.89.

Changes in Android 11 and 12 required much of the work needed in this update.
Previous Android versions grant Bluetooth permission automatically. However in Android 12+ OBDZero must be granted “Nearby Devices” permission in order to use Bluetooth. The OBDZero will request this permission the first time OBDZero is run on a 12+ phone after an install or reinstall of the app.
Android 11’s new rules for storage are also implemented in this version.

Also new is a the initial value; minimum seconds between recordings. This answers the user request to reduce the amount of data collected. By setting values between 5 and 60 sec. one can extend the time between data records.

Version 3.89 adds the BMU fully charged battery capacity. This is the same capacity reported by CaniOn and EvBatMon making comparisons easier. To collect this number OBDZero sets the dongle to a different collection mode then resets the dongle back to normal. This slows the data collection process so this value is only collected at 2 minute intervals.

The user manual can be downloaded using this new link:

Editing the manual is an ongoing process.

4 April 2023 - input from David, the developer of this app:

On March 13, 2023 I updated OBDZero to version 4.00. In this version there are 4 new screens:

The Ah screen is of particular interest because both the capacity and the present charge come from the BMU PID 762. The capacity is the same as that reported by CaniOn and EvBatMon. The present charge is new as far as I know. Together they permit computing a SoC that is a bit more precise than that reported directly by the car. This computed SoC is most similar to the SoC 1 reported by the car and shown in OBDZero. It is less similar to SoC 2 shown in OBDZero and reported as SoC by other apps. Knowing the BMU's Ah account makes a more accurate calibration of the battery amps measurement possible. More on this later.

See the manual at:
for more details.

Edit: One more detail, OBDZero’s updated code is available on GitHub via this link:

This page last revised: 6 October 2024
Car Scanner ELM OBD2

Developer's Website (includes download links):


Platform(s): Android and iOS

Cost: free for basic version and for a small fee (you can even choose!) you can upgrade to Pro version

Additional Hardware Requirements: Works with -
OBD-link MX+bluetooth dongle

Works With Vehicle Years: i-MiEV (all years?)
Note: The 2016 iMiev evidently does not transmit individual cell data but CZero and iOn do. Confirmation, anyone?

Reads and Erases Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC): Yes
Can read but cannot reset DTC using

Key Features:
Profile included for i-MiEV
Can choose and setup our own dashboard(s)

What's Good:
Can read and delete DTCs
Very easy to read all interesting ECU info, also BMU , EV-ECU and all others units.
So SOC, remaining and current battery capacity, cell temperatures and voltages etc . can all be displayed and even recorded.

What Could Be Improved:

Primary Thread on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on this i-MiEV forum:

Additional Discussions on other Websites:

Sample Screenshots:

Individual's Comments:

Thank you Herbie for identifying this app to us and for your comments that have been incorporated, above.

Screenshots courtesy of Phximiev:

IMG_3462.png IMG_3463.png IMG_3464.png

This page last revised: 30 December, 2023 (added screenshots)
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(Saving this post as placeholder)
Continuing to slowly add information to each of the above apps, as inputs roll in. Welcome inputs so we can keep updating each app's information, especially from the app developers - just post them in this thread and I will incorporate into the appropriate app above (or send me a PM if you prefer). TIA
@JoeS This thread is a fantastic resource for new i-miev owners to quickly find the best apps to use. Thank you.

However I struggled in knowing how to work with the bluetooth dongles in getting them to talk with the apps above.

Two days of struggle and frustration. I thought the dongle didn't work. Not true.

So I've created a few quick how to videos showing the process. I will post them below.

But simply the process is:

1. Insert the dongle.
2. Don't delay, start the car.
3. Don't delay, start the app and click on connect.

This is the quickest method to ensure an easy connection between the LX dongle and ANY OBD2 app with the OBDLink LX Bluetooth Dongle on Android.

It will connect immediately. If you miss the initial handshaking window for the OBD2 dongle then you can sit there for 15+ minutes trying over and over fruitlessly.

Note: Make sure to set the app settings for bluetooth and the profile in the settings beforehand. Also, have wifi enabled so the profile can be downloaded.

Okay. Here are the videos I wished someone had made for me to make it easy to connect for the first time.
It basically just shows the steps from 1-3 above.

I've also added some notes on which apps I found the most useful:

1. I think Car Scanner is the best first app to use for a first timer trying to talk to their i-miev for the first time.

2. HobDrive is the next most full featured app for the i-miev.

3. Canion is no longer sold or supported but gives the best battery status and battery temp pages of any app in a single screen.

4. OBDZero is a great little app for the i-miev to get a realtime Canbus stream as well as Battery Ah total.
Great videos, never had any issues with handshake though, the LX I’m using connects anytime, everytime to any app; maybe check the OBDLink website if there is a FW update for yours?

Btw you’re not doing OBDZero full justice, tapping on the ‘< >’ will reveal the really useful tabs..