My charging network card collection

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2015
Laurel, MD

I haven't used any of them yet. :)
I have two ChargePoint cards, one for each car. The only reason I have them is for that rental business idea I have. A couple of those units were installed at a shopping center nearby, and they are nice. The automatic cable management is an awesome idea and is implemented well on ChargePoint's newest units. The cords never touch the ground.
To the OP...
Those are the exact same cards I have!

Also I agree about the new Chargepoint L2 chargers. We have those at Steiners here in Rockford IL...awesome cable management system!
I have the Chargepoint and SemaConnect (although there is only a few near me and they are all free, no card really needed).

C.P. is the biggest one around here in Mass. Almost all are free. There is one QC at Nissan dealer that uses the C.P. for $5... worth it for long drives.

There may be a blink here somewhere but not near me.
To go along with ChargePoint, I just signed up with Greenlots. With a healthy spattering of Signet units in my area, they already have the RFID equipment for Greenlots.

My work just got a job a few miles from the only quick charger around that actually uses Greenlots to charge for a charge. It's 76 miles away, but easily doable with two quick chargers en route. The mid one is ol' reliable Eaton, and the Greenlots unit is a few miles away from my destination, so I can hit it on the return trip if I can't charge on the way there. They are close enough to only require an 80% charge at Eaton, saving me about 40 minutes.

They charge a reasonable $7/hour, which would be a full charge for an i-MiEV on CHAdeMO (I did 2 bars to 98% in 59 minutes). There are no membership fees, and the station owner sets the rate, much like ChargePoint.

I just hope the hour interval can be spread across multiple sessions. If history suggests the future, charging from that Signet unit won't happen in one shot.