I read this post with great interest. I had a hard time understanding what I was reading, which is usually not the case for me. Usually I have very good comprehension.
I detect a grammatical style that is a little unusual. If I were hearing your testimony instead of reading text, I assume you might speak with an accent that I am unfamiliar with, which might make comprehension difficult. Please understand, this is just my impression.
On the one hand you seem to be praising Mitsubishi for making good on the warranty of 10 years/100,000 miles. But on the other hand you describe that they tried every way possible to get out of it, and place the burden of repair on you. Only when you departed from being kind and gracious, and threatened them with legal action did they seem to decide that you were important to them. Unless I am totally misunderstanding your post, I doubt if I could offer such kind praise for them as you did. The story sounds as if the local dealership was trying to resolve your issue properly but were being prevented from making good on the battery warranty by Mitsubishi.
Please tell me that I am missing something, that I am just having a hard time understanding you?
Mitsubishi took a chance when they brought their battery electric vehicle to these shores. And their customers took a chance by purchasing these vehicles. I'm sure it's costly for Mitsubishi to continue to service such a small segment of it's clientele, but these are the customers who have taken the greatest risk, and have placed their greatest faith in Mitsubishi's battery warranty. Those that purchased new have already taken an enormous depreciation hit on these vehicles. So it is only proper that Mitsubishi fulfill their obligation to these early adopters. At some point Mitsubishi may put a new BEV product on the market and their commitment to these customers will give new customers the assurance they need to buy these products.
The two that I own are fabulous vehicles. In many ways (but not all) they are superior to other plug-in vehicles that I have owned or driven. Their only achilles heel is their short range. For people looking for a used i-miev you should know that they have many other attributes that make them fun and functional. It is my hope that they will give many more years of excellent service, even though these vehicles are no longer available new.
Someone explain that I have got this all wrong, that I misunderstood, and I will gladly erase or delete my reply?