Just returned from a mini-vacation with the family. We went to a small lake near Salem, Ohio where we rented a house for three days.
Our options, for five people, was to take the F-150 (at a lifetime 15 MPG), or to take Bear and the C-Max hybrid (at a lifetime 42 MPG). I successfully convinced my parents to take the i-MiEV and C-Max, proving that there were two quick chargers available about halfway there. With three people in the C-Max and my Granddad and I in the i-MiEV and both cars full of luggage, we set off. It was 47 miles from home to the quick charger, which through heavy rain, traffic, detours, and highway traveling, I arrived at without too much hassle. Being an EVGo unit, I may have avoided their high pricing through the NDEW discount (I have an account, but haven't received my card yet, so I called in to activate the charger). I did two sessions, going from ~40% to 90% while the family had donuts and coffee (I stayed with the car to get energy data through CaniOn as these units don't tell you energy stats).
All charged up, we set off for our destination. This leg was all main road driving, but did include a few really steep hills and a drive between two power plants (coal and a nuke plant side-by-side). All in all, the trip there was 93 miles. I arrived with 5 bars and 24 miles RR. I used 22.4 kWh to get there, netting 4.16 miles/kWh (actually pretty good considering how bad the first leg was and that I recharged at 120 volts, 8 amps).
While there, I did drive around one day, but the big trip we did while there was way too far for the i-MiEV, so we all crammed into the C-Max ("crammed" may be an overstatement). We stopped at two stores in Sugarcreek, Ohio, and both had impressive solar arrays. Oddly, though, the only EV I saw on the trip was a blue LEAF that pulled into the quick charger on the way home.
The trip back consisted of mostly the same route, but I stopped at a different quick charger (this one free and slightly faster). The trip home was 98.5 miles, and I arrived with 2 bars and 10 miles RR. Car's still charging, so I don't know how much total energy yet.
Not a huge trip, but it did set two personal records of furthest west and furthest north traveled in the i-MiEV, besting my previous records of Triadelphia, WV (furthest west) and Butler, PA (furthest north), not to mention a successful multi-QC trip with the family with no issues

7 Springs and the Mother Earth Festival this weekend (Hope to see you there, Ben!)
The Normal, IL. trip won't happen this year (too busy). Maybe next spring.