Charge controller works

. I took 3 panels and two battery modules and hooked them up yesterday. It was cloudy, and with the panels laying flat, I was producing about 120-130 watts, with a brief spike to 200 watts, but it fell off to about 70 watts as rain moved in (packed everything up before it rained, though). Aux 1 of the Classic is now set in "Nite Light" mode, which activates a 12 volt relay output when the panel output drops to below 30 volts (essentially dusk), and turns it off when the panels reach battery voltage (dawn). This will work to control the light circuits based on outside light and eliminate the clock timers they are on now.
I set arbitrary 8 amp current limits to protect the wiring I was using, but I never got close to that (battery side peaked at 5 amps). VOC of the panels was 120 volts DC. Hopefully -10 F won't drive this up over 150 volts (the Classic's HyperVOC protects it up to 150 + battery voltage, so 190-200 volts is the max, but 150 or less will allow the Classic to still function). My micro-inverters are rated 48 VDC max input, and that times 3 is 144 volts VOC, so I should be safe.
I left everything hooked up for about an hour. Still didn't move battery voltage :lol: , but that's a good thing. I'm not used to experimenting with batteries that have this much capacity. I will have to lodge a complaint against the shipper, though. Their rough handling broke the plastic covering on one of the two battery modules that I've opened so far, and both have had the coolant fittings bent inward (despite the seller building a wooden shell to protect them).
Also, to try and keep things organized, I added links to my original post of all documents and pictures linked so far. Pictures of my test setup will be with the equipment pictures.
The inverter arrived today.