yesterday i pulled out the lower plate again and cleaned it for thermal compond.
the flex cable itself i have found some burn marks and damage on it, i remeber when assembling the card after soldering, that one pin on the ribbon cable was alitte bendt so i turned the ribbon cable around so the bendt one was on the lower card and mounted in on the bench to be sure it would`t "move" during installation
i am woundering if it might have made contact and shorted something, that green stuff that looks like oxidation, i do not have any good explenation for and cant remeber to have seen any during dismantling.
but as i inspected the top board again, i also saw the same marks in that plug, so it might have been there all along.

but it is -15C and snowing here everyday so might have come some snow on it.
cable looked likte this on intial inspection.

while removing the ribbon cable, this was half way inside the contact, i cant realy tell if it is left over from solder after desoldering the waffle plate or som of the black gulp on the board.

overwiev of the ribbon cable

so im a completly flabergasted about this, but regardless im gonna order a new ribbon cable 50 leads, 0,5mm spacing 10,2cm long. original is 8cm long.
and hope nothing has take damange, might be lucky. if any of the "fine electrics" has taken damage, i am afraid the charger is "FUBAR"
tomorrow i am leaving town for chrismass and might be back at 28.dec. and pick it up from there.
hopefully the ribbon cable has arrived then. anything else i should order?