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Would I have bought the leaf if it had been the same price as the MiEV? I'm not sure. I never drove a Leaf because the price difference was so substantial. For me the biggest shortcomings of the MiEV are the small cabin space and the poor visibility out the rear. On the other hand I bought the MiEV with the view that it was an economical, interim ev. The MiEV is something to have until electric batteries are able to hold substantially more charge for substantially less cost. When that happens the ev won't just be a commuter car, it will be a full-time, take-it-out-on-the-road car. At that point, the bubble-shape MiEV with its high drag coefficient will become obsolete. My hope is and has been that in five years, when I'm done paying off the MiEV, there will be a $30,000 ev that will get me 150 to 200 miles on a charge with only 20 to 30 minutes to fully recharge; a car that will get me from Albany to Long Island in about the same time it now takes me with my gas car. I will then keep the MiEV for short drives and use the "future" car for long drives. That will be the end of the gas powered car for me. I can't wait.

So I do not regret buying the MiEV, it was the most economical ev available in May. In the 6 months I've had it I have driven it over 5,000 miles which means I have saved $500 by using electricity instead of gas and more importantly to me, instead of the 2.5 tons of CO2 I would have emitted using a gas engine, my MiEV's electricity usage put out about 1/3 of that - about .8 ton. I have avoided putting about 1.6 tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. I feel pretty good about that.
