gotcha. i got a screencap of that page.
Oh undoubtedly. Still appreciate the willingness of community members to help brainstorm root causes and potential solutions when it was still more murky.
It's 41-44, then again between 84-88
I figured that had something to do with each set of four belonging to those two modules that house 4 cells each, and whereabouts they sit in the series during charges and discharges, or maybe how a set of four is treated by its respected allocation of charge given or taken as opposed to the majority of the modules, being sets of 8, regarding them sitting higher in voltage by a smidge.
Well, by that standard, every battery module in existence stops charge prematurely, though I guess that means it's subjective to say so or not, but I get you. It's for the same reason that I've been focusing on cell 7 rising from a much greater margin, which, like how manually top or bottom balancing a series of cells can both bring the total margin in, was, and, though less so, still is my greater concern for the time being, if I'm trying to improve my total battery capacity.
It has been my vague understanding that the BMU does the standard version of its job when the car is allowed to sit charging up to and past a couple of spots on the way to full charge, and maybe again at max charge if left plugged in longer. I've seen people post the balancing spots being at both 20 and 30 percent, and at both 70 and 80 percent.
Either way, I remember the first time I saw the car's amp draw drop to near zero for about fifteen minutes while at a charging station, and later realizing it wasn't some sort of computer malfunction.
I might. I just don't expect this particular car to do much better than what I'm starting to hit right now, but I know if I'm willing to step outside a few times one of these nights after getting the car near dead for the night, I can get some data from it.
I've just been in this cycle of seeing increasingly positive results week after week, and telling myself how it's been worth it at each one of those moments. It's all felt like bonus gains since the first time I saw this car hit 20.