Whenever abbreviations are used, they should be defined. For example, I haven't taken the tablet back to the i-MiEV yet to suss out the meaning of the various gauges, and have at present only explored a portion of its capabilities and still learning how to configure the size and placement of the gauges:
ORPower in volts. What is "OR"?
IGCTPower in volts. What is "IGCT"?
Where are SOC Real and SOC Dash defined? Yes they have a % sign.
I think I have most of the others figured out. I appreciate having the ability to rename the gauges as well as configure them.
On a more philosophical note, zzcoopej if I may suggest that your app focus on its primary strength distinguishing it from CaniOn: the EvBatMon app sends signals to the i-MiEV rather than passively only reading data. I understand the reasons for CaniOn's ground rules and in no way criticize them. This EvBatMon ability opens up a whole new world of possibilities in terms of programmability. Presumably, the developers of EvBatMon have studied the MUT3 interface and are having fun reverse-engineering.
I, for one, am pleased to have a companion app to the already very-useful and much-loved CaniOn.
BTW, as the owner of three i-MiEVs with three different VINs but one email address, how should I sign up on your website?