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We have now reached developer edition 135_026. We sorted out some bugs, thanks for your great support!

I also did a small improvment regarding handling select items @ panel "My Trip Timer". Now there is a transparent rectangle at the beginning of each line (width = height * 2) which handles the ItemClick-events for the line. So you do not open select items by accident anymore, if you just double tap for full screen mode or wish to the next panel. Have a look to the sensitive rectangle area:

As i have seen from photos, screenshots now, i'll recommend not only a device with at least a resolution of 1280 pixels in width, the device should have also a 7" display at least. If you mount smaller devices do your windshield, it's really hard to read the data. 7" is a good compromise reading infos on the screen vs. reduced streetview out of the car.

I use a 2012 Nexus 7 (WiFi) as dedicaded caniOn device. So if you decide to buy a dedicaded caniOn device, i'll recommend this old thing, because it's our reference device. I'll always keep an eye on everything displayed in detail. Sometimes i check GUI-elements with minor changes in their dimensions with screenshots on the computer by switching between two screenshots very fast to see this minor changes. F.e. should i increase the width of the left panel with all the current values by 1% so "Batt Temp °F" could be used with some space to the value next right, or should i use "Batt Temp°F" (no blank between "p" and "°") to have more space for the contents at the right side. Have a look to the screenshot:

It's not easy to support all devices in the same quality. But if something is displayed really strange, please let us know. ScreenShots are always welcome.

[Edit]You can make screenshots easly by taping block in the middle on the left side. caniOn screenshots are stored in /sdcard/bt_can. It's much more easier then pressing two hard-buttons simultanously.

