Well, the swap from
@DonW ‘s wreck went flawlessly, and since I also swapped over the BMU this time, MR BEAN awoke with 47.5 Ah capacity and 71 miles RR from an incomplete charge! This is pack #4 that has resided in MR BEAN’s belly due to his quest for eternal youth. The prEVious packs didn’t die, they just declined to serve in the matter to which he had been accustomed….

To answer my own silly question about the plastic-headed bolts: their shafts are shorter so as to not bottom out against or penetrate pack internals! A hand wrench on the standard steel bolts confirmed that resistance, but a fast impact driver stands the best chance of removing a plastic-headed bolt intact. In hindsight, some penetrating oil the day before might have saved a few from beheading!

Another bit of learning is that unlike a LEAF, the auxiliary HVDC connectors at the front of the pack do not include high voltage interlock pins, so no errors are shown if you forget to plug ‘em in! I didn’t take the test further by turning on the heating or aircon, but it could be interesting to re-task those outputs, such as for a 5 kw power export inverter without hacking CHAdeMO.
Next, the hand-me-down pack from MR BEAN will go into the BAJA MiEV, which has a sick cell that rests 0.07 V below the rest and causes a max charge of 11 bars and turtles popping up below 50%SOC. This pack from MR BEAN came from a crashed 2014 and left all of its improved capacity hidden in reserve, as the 2012 BMS nEVer re-learned the capacity. We’ll see about transplanting the BMU from storage to wake up that 2014 pack for adventures in off-roading, as the BMU brain transplant that rEVived MR BEAN has left him feeling so much better so much faster! Cheers, Jay