thought i post some updates & responses. I don't have full coverage so no insurance coverage for the vehicle. I called the nearest Mitsu dealer (Capitol Mitsu), but they said that they just moved and don't have the service facility set up until March. I thought that was kind of strange.
So I have been driving it and the warning lights have essentially disappear. Don't know if the system gave up or due to warmer weather.
I tried to get a wheel alignment at Goodyear Tire service, they practically laughed at the toy car and said that it's too narrow for their rack. On a lark last Friday, I was passing by an empty Firestone store and drove up their rack just fine.
So, the poor i has a bent left arm. It is barely noticeable looking at the arm. But it's quite evident when the mechanic showed me the spacing between the rear of the tire & wheel well. The spacing is definitely narrower on the left side than on right side.
The weird thing is both front tires were toeing outward, while the rear tires both toed to the left. I think some out-of-alignment was already happening, probably due to all the pot holes, before the deer strike. lists the left arm for $125, not bad, but it was for a 2012, need to confirm fitting for a 2014. I am not too thrilled that partsouq is from the MiddleEast, but will have to do more research.
The tech adjusted the front toes to spec, but he said there is not shim kit to adjust for the rear toeing. Have to check with the dealer again tomorrow.
I am glad I had heeded this forum to check the alignment, thank you, you guys rock ! the good news is the i is driving just fine