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  1. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Yeah, the B1108 makes absolutely zero sense to me, yet it shows up consistently. I use an Autel MK808 scan tool since it's what I have in the shop and allows me to communicate with all modules. Certainly open to making a Diagbox setup but haven't grokked what the best cable/version would be...
  2. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Oddly, the good car does charge fine with the bad car's EV-ECU, or battery control unit, or body control unit, installed. Didn't expect that, for a couple reasons.
  3. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    I initially wanted to swap OBC's because the initial diag (no relevant DTC's) led me to believe the OBC was faulty. That's doing it for a reason, IMO. I should probably have just swapped them, because in fact the OBC was fine. I did list the DTC's in post #28 but again it seems like there are...
  4. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    They're almost identical - the good car doesn't have CHAdeMO but the bad car does. Anyway, I'll give this a shot - good thinking on putting the bad ECU in the good car.
  5. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    That's correct - OBC is known-good now. I do get about 14.4 across the battery in ready mode. Does anyone know if it'd be safe to swap EV-ECU's between cars? I'm less concerned over whether it's VIN coded, more concerned if I have a strong risk of bricking the EV-ECU from the good car or...
  6. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Spent some time on this just now - 1) Connecting the EVSE to just the car (and not the wall) and trying to start the car shows the red charging symbol on the dash instead of going to READY mode. 2) Checked, good 3) Checked, good 4) That I'm still working on. There is no obvious damage to any...
  7. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Well, that's what started this - there are no relevant codes as far as I can tell. B1108 - electric heater fail 1 U1104 - SAS CAN timeout/Not equipped U1111 - Display CAN timeout/Not equipped U1113 - MiEV Remote CAN T/o /Not equip U1116 - KOS CAN timeout/Not equipped C1912 - Tyre air pressure...
  8. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    My lovely partner helped me drag the sick car a few miles with the good car and we got enough charge in the pack that the battery gauge now shows one flashing bar. I monitored cell min/max voltages and they showed a reasonably consistent spread of 0.03 or so as we charged it, now up to 3.71 or...
  9. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    True... I'll give that a shot when I can recruit a friend. I checked over all the relevant relays and fuses last night and everything checked out good. My latest theory of the case is that it's a low (again, 3.47-3.51 cell voltage) SOC and thus charging is prevented. The J1772 socket is clean...
  10. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Well, I finally reassembled this OBC because I couldn't find anything wrong with it, swapped it into the good car, swapped the good car's OBC into the bad car... the good car charges with the "bad" OBC, the bad car doesn't charge with the "good" OBC. I think I may try towing it to a Chademo...
  11. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Cell voltages across the pack range from 3.47 to 3.51 - very low state of charge.
  12. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    I haven't yet - I did load up all the cell voltages with my scan tool and they were all consistent to a couple mV. The pack is at a very low SoC though, so I wonder if that could be preventing a charge if one of the CMU's is intermittent as you describe. @alviseven thanks for sharing your...
  13. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    The car does go into Ready mode and can move so I doubt the CMU specifically is bad - but I'm not finding anything wrong with the OBC either.
  14. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Finally got around to checking the diodes in the upper right and upper left parts of the OBC... and everything seems to check out according to coulomb's diagrams. Starting to think it may be time to swap OBC's and see if I'm barking up the wrong tree entirely with the OBC, here
  15. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Oh, jeez, I get it now - I'm dense. Those boxes are the solder connections. Will check those - thanks!
  16. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Okay, the black wire to the (correct) L trace does have continuity, thanks for catching that! I'm struggling on how to check the diode drop voltages. I don't have a means of pushing voltage to the board (and I'm not 100% certain where it'd go) but I did find this image which matches my...
  17. J

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    I'm trying to access the full size image but the original "does not exist anymore", is it available somewhere else?
  18. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    I think we found it. I took readings, and as I understand it found one good one bad, noted in the attached photo. I assume what I need to replace is one of the guys I've circled in green - and that to do that I need to do the dreaded waffle plate de-solder and removal 😬 - correct? I'd scrape...
  19. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Thanks for the quick reply! I was more curious about whether I could damage the OBC as I know they're not VIN coded - but it sounds like that's not the case either? I'll check the ceramic resistors shortly - I'm just looking for continuity from the L and N in the doghouse through to the waffle...
  20. J

    Swapping OBC's as diagnostic - safe?

    Hi, I have 2 i-MiEV's - both 2012 model year (North America). One is my daily driver, works great, charges (doesn't have Chademo), everything. The other I bought with a nearly dead main battery and not charging, although it will start and drive around in turtle mode. I have not been able to...