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  1. P

    LEV50 Cell and Battery Pack Drawings

    Hi Jiminy , Did you succeed to have those 2 dimensions ? It will be helpful regarding the option of using CATL 114Ah that MickeyS70 just found in a a german forum .. ( cf post "making a custom battery pack for Miev " )
  2. P

    Making a custom battery pack for MiEV

    Good point ! And what about the fact the battery is fliped 90º ? Is there some vent on the top side which could be affected ?
  3. P

    Main Traction Battery Upgrade i-MiEV using CATL93Ah cells

    I was thinking only about the HW part , forgeting completly the BMU side effect => you are totaly right, better stick to 80 ! Thank's Kiev
  4. P

    Making a custom battery pack for MiEV

    Very interesting alternativ , thank's MickeyS70 ! The electric specs shown on the foto ( 114Ah, 3,7v, discharge 421,8wh) are exactly the same than the CATL 114Ah . See : Price of 23$ also BTW. -dimensions of the CATL114Ah seem to be : 148 x 102 x 52 -the lev50x are 42mm deep , compare to...
  5. P

    Main Traction Battery Upgrade i-MiEV using CATL93Ah cells

    Hi everybody , I am new here ! First a big “BRAVO” for this incredible work you ve done all together, being the most impressiv one the fact that you ve took time sharing your knowledge. I have a quick question : if, instead an Imiev with 88 cell, I buy a peugeot or a citroen with only...