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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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  1. E

    Norway: Traction battery + other parts - '11 Ion aka i-MiEV

    Just came by this norwegian ad tonight: PEUGEOT ION SELGES I DELER 2011-> I-MIEV , C-ZERO This is a parts only car from the wrecker It's crocked front and right side. Two wheels and several airbags has popped. Traction battery: NOK 12 500,- incl. VAT (U$D ~1...
  2. E

    Who says the i-miev is cheap to operate?

    How to service an electric car + unlocking hidden iMiEV options! (unlocking B+C aka B+Eco in a C-Zero or Ion) - Kiwi EV adventures :arrow: :idea: :shock: :? :lol:
  3. E

    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    *** TL;DR :? Darn long post warning coming through! :lol: *** So, I've discovered this brand new Binar 5S liquid water heater from aka Advers/Binar/Planar/Teplostar. I saw a EU approval document datestamped 2016-10-28. In addition they have already sold a Binar 5 Compact model...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    @Phximiev: friend or foe, please tell Gavin to not install a fuel-heater inside the cabin :!: Are his price quotes dated 2016-10-15? I'll repeat the water/liquid/hydronic quote here: €484,- liquid heater + €048 10 % import tax + €106 20 % VAT + €101 for a 12V Li-ion battery = €739 (USD ~$810 )...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    ELECTRICAL: I'm investigating locations of the nicest spots for hacking in electrial wiring. So far I've located (on-screen) the following POI's: - 70 -COMPONENT LOCATIONS\A\Heater water pump relay - 90 -CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS\AIR CONDITIONER<LHD>\HEATER WATER PUMP RELAY (A-114X) - 90 -CIRCUIT...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    @obrother #2: Our winterized diesel has a kerosene/paraffin mixture. :idea: @obrother #1: I do not yet fully understand the reasons behind teeing in close to the top, other than easy access without a workshop lift. If you got the JP-Eberspächer/Espar style heater kit with the nice "double-tee...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    Thanks for the quick reply, Don Dee. :P Until next summer or so I live in a student condo and park in the street, often a couple of blocks away. Hence no outlet, nor preheat. :( Tested the OEM Omron remote while walking towards a parking house where the car charged. Like I suspected, it...
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    Finally got the clone ....c-zero :-)

    Congrats! :mrgreen: I did also a lot of reading up before buying mine. Starting with recon of the PSA "classics", before ending up here. I feel our triplets already has a kind of Volkswagen Beetle status. Quirky and cantankerous, with dubious habits. I tried disabling the traction control a...
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    Admin: Forum Software Upgrade

    Just checked a feature at the updated Leaf forum. I like it when external links automagically open in a new tab. Today, at myimiev, I have to do the "open in new tab" manually. Hopefully this will be default after the upgrade? :) PS! Is it possible turning off this feature which turn every...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    First I'll thank all of you who pioneered this install, making it a walk in the park. Just finished the whole thread a second time, right before I order anything. I have an electrical question about the timer wiring :arrow: When you guys short the red and yellow wire to crank up the...
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    The Electric Egg

    You sir, just got 666 posts at this very forum with a rather eggy post. :twisted: Speaking of ... nice egg! 8-) I would liked very much attending that exhibit.
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    Steering Wheel Thumb Controls?

    One of my local dealers told me the controller/buttons utilizes canbus to run multiple commands over a single clockspring. So even if I bought the butthurtingly :o expensive steering wheel (which btw is an "empty shell" without airbag, buttons++) I would probably still struggle with getting the...