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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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  1. Z

    How not to increase autonomy

    You are all welcome anytime in Slovenia. If somehow happens you visit Europe, you can stop and stay for a while in my 20 bed cottage I'm just finishing. All tourists can use my C-Zero for cruising around Slovenia and 4 neighbour countries: Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. So you could...
  2. Z

    Golden Retriever Fit

    Sure if you don't need to go far, it's most efficient to use AC and heating. But if not, natural ventilation works 100%. Frost is creating when outside temp is much lower than inside one. Human breathing easily increases inside humidity over 100%. So water condensation on cold glass is...
  3. Z

    How not to increase autonomy

    I believe it's our ex communist heritage (Yugoslavia). Brotherhood and unity were most important values then. I miss some life aspects of those times.
  4. Z

    How not to increase autonomy

    There is better and less dangerous way to increase mileage: I managed twice to reach Adriatic coast (130 kms from my home) with none bar spent. I just waited some time on local gas station for first empty car truck refilling gas before continuing to the port of Koper (main importing port for...
  5. Z

    Golden Retriever Fit

    It's really very simple. Let one or two windows open a little (1 inch is enough) and all frost will disappear in few minutes.
  6. Z

    How do you track your charging?

    Same in my garage. My consumption.
  7. Z

    iMiEV as workhorse

    My rack is Thule. My dealer added it as a gift when i bought my c-zero. It's really useful when I need to carry long items.
  8. Z

    iMiEV as workhorse

    Hope pic is visible now:
  9. Z

    iMiEV as workhorse

    Sure we do!
  10. Z

    Mitsu promo

    It's not really hard to xceed 150km/charge. My best milleage was 190 km (118 miles) last summer driving slowly (35-50 km/h) coasting whenever possible, regen braking...
  11. Z

    Mitsu promo

    Very good designed!
  12. Z

    Renault Zoe Review

    In my opinion Zoe has no future. It's price is much higher than ICE mini cars, 100km costs at least 8€ of battery lease + electricity? Any diesel or even gasoline powered car (this size) is cheaper to drive.
  13. Z

    Ride Along

    IMHO, GoPro Hero is the best multiusable camcorder for cars, bikes, surfs, water sports...
  14. Z

    Considering selling my 240V 8A EVSE.

    My EVSE draws constantly between 14A and 15A, so 16A is optimal standard EVSE. It comes to small differences if my domestic grid is heavy loaded with thirsty apliances, then my voltage drops to cca 200V and it cause lower EVSE current but never less then 14A. In my country standard voltage is...
  15. Z

    Considering selling my 240V 8A EVSE.

    Please, be patient, I'm waiting for my neighbor to let me know how he changed his 10A EVSE into 16A.
  16. Z

    Who decides when a battery is degraded enough 4 warrenty?

    this is quite simple. Look how many kWh is needed to recharge the battery from empty to full charge. For new one you need a little more than 17 kWh. RR is not important here.
  17. Z

    What's everybody paying?

    Last spring in my area the price was 35k€, in august and september 21k€, end september back to 29k. In last 5 months I-miev and clons are unavailable. I never was able to find the real reason for such price jumps.
  18. Z

    Considering selling my 240V 8A EVSE.

    All EVSEs sold with cars in Slovenia has same sized cables. Only the parts defining current (don't know the name of this part) are different (10 or 16A). Cables 2,5mm2 are more then suitable for 16A current.
  19. Z

    Considering selling my 240V 8A EVSE.

    I can help you upgrade your existing EVSE to 16A or less if you don't need 16A.
  20. Z

    Who decides when a battery is degraded enough 4 warrenty?

    I think we all agree: we just didn't know exactly what we bought. New technology still needs to prove itself. MMC's silence and lack of needed information make me believe that even MMC doesn't know exactly what to expect regarding battery lifespan and degradation. In worst case they know and...