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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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  1. Z

    How many miles on your i-MiEV?

    Malm, thanks for your reply. I added coloumns you suggested. jray3, you're right. "Today" is replaced with the date of last odometer entry.
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    Our Gas Free Miles Travelled

    I made a simple spreadsheet to compare our mileage. Please, enter your data. Replace username user(x) with your username, enter date of purchase or lease and odometer number in the correct column (miles or km). All other data will be calculated. Update your odo no. regularly, for ex. once every...
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    HI my I ( Highest Mileage iMiev)

    I made a simple spreadsheet to compare our mileage. Please, enter your data. Replace username user(x) with your username, enter date of purchase or lease and odometer number in the correct column (miles or km). All other data will be calculated. Update your odo no. regularly, for ex. once every...
  4. Z

    How many miles on your i-MiEV?

    I made a simple spreadsheet to compare our mileage. Please, enter your data. Replace username user(x) with your username, enter date of purchase or lease and odometer number in the correct column (miles or km). All other data will be calculated. Update your odo no. regularly, for ex. once every...
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    Solar panel on car - no brainer guys!

    The best known slovenian expert Andrej Pecjak installed such panel on the roof and tailgate. In optimal conditions cars main battery is solar charged in one week. IMHO it's just to expensive toy for the positive outcome.
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    Environmental Question

    I can't imagine you have to pay almost 100% of renewables tax on electricity bill. That's why you have to pay such abnormal ren. tax ;) You really don't understand the meaning of city car. Every vehicle has it's purpose. Once again: I didn't and wouldn't buy an EV to make 300km daily. I dont...
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    Environmental Question

    What are you pointing at with this video? That EV is not ideal for long trips in winter conditions? Guess what! I admit that and every I-miev driver knows that. We certainly didn't buy EV for driving 300 km at -20C, although it's obviously possible. My EV covers almost every need for...
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    Environmental Question

    I carefuly registered every charging in first 13 months and all data is there. Sure, I drive my C-Zero like EV should be driven: slow and featherlight. I plan to drive it for many years, so I have to do everything possible to preserve battery health. Our electricity price is 8,7 €C/kWh...
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    Environmental Question

    Well, actualy it is true. Look at my yearly consumption here. If I add yearly assurance (96€), registration (3€) and regular service (45€), running cost rise to 1,6 euro cent/km in first 13 months of driving C-Zero. You have other options in Estonia. It's true solar panels are not efficient in...
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    Our Gas Free Miles Travelled

    14 months - 28.945 joyful kms p.s. I didn't notice any range or battery capacity drop so far. Sure I never saw 170+ km RR after ful charging since I live higher then ordinary roads. My best distance was 175 km - with no altitude drop.
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    Environmental Question

    It's not my intention to offend you. If you have such feeling, I apologize. At our local forums there are always people who constantly point out any weakness of electric cars forgetting weaknesses of classic vehicles. I'm too for many years looking for the comparison of the effectiveness of both...
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    Environmental Question

    Kuuuurija, you are right! ICE cars RULE! I just don't understand what you are doing on this forum? Are you lost somehow? Maybe you'd feel better here:
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    Environmental Question

    Come on, guys! Why waste your energy in such topics? A man who is confident in it's own right, is almost impossible to convince. Kuuuurija is probably one of the few Estonians who deny the benefits of great EV infrastructure making Estonia the paradise for I-miev and Leaf owners. You'll find...
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    Right. Car stops running. If that happens, after waiting few minutes, you can make another let's say 100 meters. Than it stops again. Wait another 5 minutes... you can make another 50 meters... and so on. Do it only if necessary, not good for your battery. This way maybe you can drive to first...
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    Range extender !

    Metron Institute has developed and offered for sale range extender for I-MiEV and the EU clones. It consists of a charger, BMS and 10kWh battery pack. It weighs 70 kg and is installed in the trunk. The vehicle remains intact. No drilling or any other invasive modifications. Final testing did not...
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    So, in summary....

    IMO, it's really fun to drive in winter on white roads. When I need the whole range possible, I just use warm clothes and blanket for me and my passangers. Hot tea helps a lot too ;)
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    Our Black SE Arrived :-)

    Great pair you have on your driveway. Congtrats! I wish them both long and happy life serving your family.
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    Our Gas Free Miles Travelled

    Robb, why don't you just use a $10 e-cost meter and you'll have exact data of your monthly EV-usage. If you charge at home only, than 1,650 miles cost you not less than 288 kWh (100 miles/charge - 17.5 kWh/charge) with featherfoot or more if you drive normaly.
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    Aerodynamic Mods to Reduce Drag

    We all love tall figure of I-miev. Easy to enter and easy do get out of the car. Such commodity goes not hand by hand with good aerodynamics. Solution is: Total Makeover of your I ;) Neil, you can do some tests yourself. Put your car twice on same place on short (for ex. 20m) downhill road wich...