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  1. Z

    What to do while waiting for your i-MiEV to charge?

    To add my thoughts on this topic: when I stay long at public charger with no restaurant or cafe near, I usualy take my laptop with me and do anything for work. In winter there's always a fan heater and a power strip in the trunk so it's warm in the car while charging and working.
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    So, like others reported, I find Canion very useful. If not crashing all the time, it would be perfect.
  3. Z


    If we can trust Andy, it's not the case. His reader is primarily intended for ICE vehicles, so in the manual it's meant auxiliary 12V battery.
  4. Z

    Anyone know of this commercial?

    It was mentioned in january or earlier, when I linked all 3 commercials to my blog. I just can't find the topic... :?
  5. Z


    I'm happy to have a new toy. The reader has finally arrived. First Impressions: when I deleted a BT_can folder, it worked flawlessly.
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    Quote: stn1170 manual on page 9: The Bluetooth OBD-II adapter may be left plugged into the vehicle for extended periods of time (no more than 4 months) without starting the engine or recharging the vehicle’s battery. The STN1170 Bluetooth OBD-II adapter goes into a very low power state when not...
  7. Z

    My first level 3 (dc quick charge experience)

    My QC port lost it's virginity in august 122 km from my place.
  8. Z

    My first level 3 (dc quick charge experience)

    Malm. you sure felt very lonely there. Do you know perhaps, how many of the triplets and Leafs are sold in Portugal?
  9. Z

    iMiEV Acceleration Times

    I-MiEV's good acceleration earned me free lunch yesterday. I bet with my friend my 66hp C-zero will beat his 110 hp MPV on 200 m track. C-zero wins the race hands down! Another :idea: to make I-miev profitable :mrgreen:
  10. Z


    That's the best and free of charge winter range extender :D We use it constantly.
  11. Z

    Range extender !

    How it works: Propulsion motor is co-powered by RE with constant power of max 4kW. With moderate or slow driving PM uses the stored energy equally from both batteries. The initial RR after full recharge does not represent the sum of both batteries, but only the original 16kWh battery...
  12. Z

    Range extender !

    The first prototype was bought by DEM, a HPP-group on the Drava river. When I get my ordered OBD reader, I plan to test the car with a built-in RE. The price is high, so maybe the best option is a group of I-miev drivers buy it together and use when really needed. RE can be removed and...
  13. Z

    Range extender !

    We had some words about it here.
  14. Z

    How many miles on your i-MiEV?

    Soon, very soon. I just ordered Andy's dongle.
  15. Z

    How many miles on your i-MiEV?

    Mission imposible. Degradation will occur whatever we do and however carefull we are. But sure, we can delay significant degradation for many years. In the first year I regularly (more than 90% of all charges) charged from more or less near 0 to 100% SOC. You can check my charges in first year...
  16. Z

    How many miles on your i-MiEV?

    You are right Joe. It's not perfect method at all, but it provides a rough approximation. I think I'll keep this coloumn for a while if maybe somebody finds it useable at least until we find any accurate method. I spoke yesterday with an expert of Metron Institute Team. He said the only...
  17. Z

    How many miles on your i-MiEV?

    That was my intention, Joe. All three threads are related to our mileage, so it seemed a good idea to me to use a spreadsheet where all data is collected together. Perhaps it makes sense to join all three threads together into one. I disagree, Joe. Like Malm said, it's not perfect, but it's...
  18. Z

    Benchmarking to measure capacity loss

    In fact, there is quite an easy way to measure capacity and it's loss. If all cells are healthy, balanced, then measuring the amount of electricity used to charge from 0 to 100 % SOC is reliable enough method for determining battery pack capacity change. The more individual cells are damaged...
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    I don't have the dongle (yet). Can somebody read and post SOC at point where --- (zero km or miles) turns to 1 km (mile) while charging? THX
  20. Z

    How many miles on your i-MiEV?

    I also added power used to charge battery from 0 miles (km), before turtle appears. Does anybody know exactly how many kWh are used to charge from --- to full? I think 16,6 kWh is close but not proved. 16kWh battery capacity 15% losses wall to battery 16 * 1,15 = 18,4 kWh from 0 to 100% SOC (I...