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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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  1. Z


    This is such a wide topic so I have not read everything. Perhaps this was already said somewhere. In short, so far when I had trouble with starting (connecting) Canion I always deleted the BT_CAN folder. A week ago, I noticed that I just need to try to restart the app many times, if it doesn't...
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    Battery degradation

    From my experience your result shows around 23% degradation. 16,6 kWh (from wall) 10% SOC to 100% SOC when my car was new. 12,8 .... your result after 27k miles 15,6 .... my last measured result last summer at 28k miles Your consumption is a little higher due to longer charging time but not...
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    Let the Hacking Begin

    RE pack works great. But the price is not really a deal maker. So only one pack was sold 2 years ago and no problems were reported.
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    Battery degradation

    From the estonian article: "Erreline told that if at the beginning of the summer was the time to drive at least 110 miles, it now becomes a maximum of 60 km - this despite the fact that this year's warm winter..." Estonian not to hot summers don't often require to use the AC, so those I-mievs...
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    Test drives for Kia Soul EV or VW E-Golf

    My post after Kia Soul EV test drive. Excellent car, IMHO.
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    This is The Next Electric Vehicle I Would Like to Purchase.

    Today I had the opportunity to test Kia Soul EV for two hours. I'm in love again! I drive Citroen C-Zero for last two years. Soul EV is by faaaar superior in comparison with Citroen. Excellent equipment, big battery, lots of space, 5 seats, android application with many features, excellent...
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    Preferred Fast Charger Location Discussion

    Our government has chosen locations for fast charging stations in national FC network according to the following criteria: 1. all motorways have to be covered 2. the distance between the stations is about 50 km 3. microlocations adapt to existing infrastructure (100kW connection option) 4...
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    About to get a C Zero...what's your best tips about the car?

    One of best and useful addons could be CanIon android app with appropriate OBD reader. It's like (what Malm said) being blind no more.
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    TFLcar clueless i-MiEV review - video

    I understand such spoiled blonde, accustomed to fast, luxury cars. For such people I-MiEV feels like real ****. Their mentality is completely different. They are not willing to even consider the possibility of waiting somewhere for two hours to recharge the battery, or, for example, driving...
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    Battery degradation

    After two years and 50.000 kms I lost 8% of battery capacity and my car's range is also about 8-10% shorter. When it was new, it managed even 170 kms (careful lightfoot driving), now only 150-160 kms. I guess the car could be useful for my needs at least 10 years, if the rate of yearly...
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    Battery degradation

    Loss of capacity (2Y, 50k km, -8%) in my case so far does not show in the disappearance of bars, but each bar lasts less kilometers. For example, when new, C-Zero was able to reach 16 km before first bar disappeared, now it's just impossible on flat terrain.
  12. Z

    Do you feel ICE drivers bully the iMiev ?

    In two years having C-Zero and more than 50k km I have not had such unpleasant situation on the road. It seems to me, due to the strong publicity of electromobility drivers become tolerant and understanding to slightly slower EVs. Or maybe the reason is just more relaxed living here.
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    European sister of the i-miev : Peugeot Ion & Citroen C-Zero

    I did it two days ago. No regen change noticed.
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    Quick Charge 80-100% time?

    It's maybe a little faster than average but still not like QC regarding amperage in last part of charging. If you'd continue with charging until 100% is reached, you'd wait for more than 20 minutes so altogether about an hour. It's the same every time I quick charge: 28 minutes from empty to...
  15. Z

    Quick Charge 80-100% time?

    CHAdeMO protocol does not allow you to QC after reaching 82% of SOC. It took another hour to charge to 100%, amperage going down minute after minute. It's faster than L2 but still not even close to the 0-82% QC current.
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    European sister of the i-miev : Peugeot Ion & Citroen C-Zero

    I still see them there. Would you ask the seller if they still have some of them to sell? For this price I'd buy three C-Zeros. Can you assist somehow?
  17. Z

    Help me decide???

    Test it both ways: driving fast and driving slow and see if your wife can make all daily commute. After 46.000 km and 20 months my range is at least 70 km in the winter driving fast, AC on, heater on and can be more than 150 km driving slow (under 60 km/h in the summer). So, if your wife's...
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    Benchmarking to measure capacity loss

    I measured 3 different data in 2012 (new car) and 2014 at similar conditions (temp, weather, tire pressure...): 1. kWh to charge from 0-100% SOC: 17.4 (2014) / 18.5 (2012) = 0,94 2. kWh to charge from --- to 100% SOC: 15.6 (2014) / 16.6 (2012) = 0,94 3...
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    Benchmarking to measure capacity loss

    Battery capacity droped by 6% after 42000 km and 20 months. Temperatures well above 20° C were ideal for retest the battery capacity. I squeezed out the last remaining electrons. I just returned home with pushing Eli last few meters. After six hours consumption meter has stopped at 17.4 kWh...