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    not charging my iON, cell or CMU or BMU problems

    Hi all, I think that I may have the same issue. My wife took the car (fully charged) for a 35km ride, no heater, arrived with one bar below 50%. She was surprised by such a poor performance but found the car with 2 more bars when she took it back home few hours later. On the next day, when...
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    Hi, Anyone has had any success in getting the data upload to the website to work without having to manually edit the text file ? Still not working for me, on 2 separate devices that run CaniOn without issues. Disappointed in the support I'm getting (no actual advancement thus far).
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    Ok, more tries, I confirm I can't get the motor page to work. I got the log file. To which email should I send it ? BTW I'm using an ODBLink MX Wifi, not an eBay ODB.
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    Ok, I did manually input the data into the txt file, and uploaded it, success ! True there are not many contributions so far but my data point is right on top of the averaged all vehicle graph, that is somehow reassuring. I've tried today using the app during a drive and I can't get it to work...
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    EVBatMon Readings

    Just got my first reading : 2012 C-zero (16kWh version), 55k km, 37.1Ah left, 77.29 PMC Considering how little range I have actually lost, I cannot believe it was 48Ah when I got it new, no way. Without the data points, I'll never know. I an wondering though if the car doesn't store some kind...
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    I have purchased the Android version, will probably switch to iOS later when available. I have registered on I got the ODB MX Wifi to work, found out I have a 37.1Ah batt capacity left, 77.29 PMC. That is for a 2012 16kWh C-zero, approx 60.000 km now. I tried to upload the data...
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    Got it thanks. For those who have already purchased the Android version, will you offer some kind of "transfer" to switch to iOS when the app is released ? Would you mind sharing how many users you have on the C-zero/iOn/iMiev platform ? I think it's a meaningful information because the more...
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    Hello, Is the OBDLink MX Wi-Fi supported by EvBatMon ? Another question, I have both an Android and iOS smartphone, so both options are possible (or will soon be). Just wondering which platform will have the latest updates first in the future ? Both versions will have the same functions ...
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    Acceleration ramp modification anyone ?

    What a shame we can't change what's been overdone by Mitsu :( It's just a darn parameter :roll:
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    Acceleration ramp modification anyone ?

    Hi all, When accelerating from still, the cas applies some sort of ramp-up on the available power, until maybe 20mph. Under that speed, full power or even full torque are not available no matter how you floor the pedal. Has anyone figured-out how to have that ramp/curve modified ? In some...
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    Sudden dashboard and lights shutdown during drive

    The car behaved as I described in the first post. So no, as I said the car did not shut off entirely. It's been almost 3 months now, the car has not repeated this malfunction so far.
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    Canion Battery Readings

    My C-zero manual calls for a discharge down to 2 bars followed by a full charge every 2 weeks or every month (can't remember the periodicity). That could be related.
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    Sudden dashboard and lights shutdown during drive

    Hi, If it was a loose fuse, why would restarting the car fix the issue without touching anything ? That sounds more like a bug/crash/malfunction that a reboot can fix (temporarily). The car has been used about 200km since with no new occurence. I hope it stays that way !
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    Sudden dashboard and lights shutdown during drive

    Hi all, I have tried to search for this issue with no success. Hope I'm not double posting this issue... So... My wife was driving our 2012 C-zero (25000 km with no issue so far) when the dashboard suddenly shut down. It was not only the backlight, the whole dashboard was off, as in powered...
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    Failed windshield washer pump

    Got it, luckily it is a DIRECT replacement. Works like a charm :)
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    Replacing Filament Running Lights With LED Bulbs

    There is one. At least on my C-zero but I doubt your headlight is much different. You need to open the hood. Then on the upper-inner side of the headlight there is a channel for a screwdriver to go in. there's a screw in there. If you can't find it I'll post a pic. I had to adjust mine as...
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    Failed windshield washer pump

    I've had no luck doing all sorts of searches, even google image. Those on eBay don't look even remotely like the one in my C-zero. Until I found another reference that looks exactly the same. Ordered it for less than 25 euros shipped. Not $15, but in the range of normal prices over here...
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    Failed windshield washer pump

    Hello, I have a Citroën C-zero, 2012, great condition. My first glitch with it is a failed washer pump. I took it out, it is a DENSO 060210-4930. It is totally rusted from the inside, the seal must have leaked I guess... right after my 2 years garanty. Citroën charges 77 EUROS for that single...
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    Battery Capacity Testing

    Hi, I read Canion Wh out is correct and reliable. So are we saying there is a simple way to measure battery available Wh by fully charging it, reset canion trip, turn the heater on while the car is parked, and leave it as is until the heater stops ? (BTW at what SoC does the heater stops ?)...